Study proves the brain is responsible for obesity

It is called the “second brain” and it is not insignificant. The gut microbiota is the bacteria nest the most populated part of the organism and constantly dialogues with the neurons. Did you think you were chatty? Then you don’t know the human intestine very well! Sometimes the dialogue is scrambled and the dialogue of the intestines with the brain is no longer very clear. As a result, the feeling of hunger is deceived. It was French scientists who updated this discovery. According to them, this might partly explain obesity.

Obesity: the result of poor communication with the brain

It is on mice that Researchers performed their test. They were interested in the Nod2 receptor, which nests both in immune cells, but also in the neurons of the hypothalamus. It is this part of the brain that manages hunger, thirst, stress or fear and body temperature. These same researchers found that when female mice lack Nod2, they tend to eat more and gain weight, compared to other mice. This behavior is explained by the fact that they are simply trying to maintain their body temperature. The essential functions of the body are therefore disrupted. In humans, this would be the reason why we might never feel full.

The intestine and the brain, the powerful duo

Because of this Nod2 receiver, the does not receive the correct signals and therefore does not send the correct ones. It can no longer determine when you are really hungry. This is the beginning of an explanation for certain diseases such as bulimia, obesity or diabetes. However, while the brain can train eating disordersthe intestine, on its side, can cause mental illness. It’s give-and-take ! A real link can be made between depression and obesity. Indeed, the chronic inflammation for which obesity is responsible has a harmful influence on the brain. You have to take care of your stomach as much as your head!

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