Venezuela rejects US human rights report

Caracas.- Venezuela rejected the report on Human Rights (HR), a document issued by the United States Department of State. US actions were also criticized for qualifying the policies of other countries.

“The Government of Venezuela categorically rejects the report issued by the State Department, and the repeated practice of qualifying the policies of sovereign countries, without relevant or impartial investigations,” the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry said via Twitter.

The Venezuelan state ratified its commitment to human rights and international organizations, as long as the country’s sovereignty remains intact.

Below is the statement:

“The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, once again, categorically rejects the report on Human Rights of the Department of State of the United States of America, as well as the repeated practice of qualifying the policies of other countries in this matter, without no technical rigor or credibility.

It is serious that the United States manipulates sensitive attempts such as Human Rights to advance its political interests and reiterates Washington’s demonstrated contempt for the well-being of the Venezuelan people. The US government can be of little interest in the rights of a people that it submits to unilateral coercive measures and a criminal economic blockade.

With a false narrative promoted by organizations financed by the US government, they seek to overshadow the achievements of the Bolivarian Government in guaranteeing human, political, economic and social rights, even under the most severe aggression. It is for this reason that the country with the highest rate of incarceration in the world, which has 25% of the prison population of the entire planet, 2.19 million prisoners, in turn disproportionately composed of Afro-descendants and Latinos who live in overcrowded prisons with great health risks and where excessive political convictions persist, such as that of indigenous leader Leonard Peltier whose life is in danger, he should focus on solving his own prison crisis.

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While the United States biasedly qualifies the exercise of political rights in Venezuela, its Congress has failed to guarantee the renewal of important guarantees for the Afro-descendant population and, on the contrary, it has allowed at least 420 bills restricting access to the vote, prosper in 49 states. Significant actions such as the closure of the Guantánamo detention center or a stop to police brutality that in 2021 claimed 1,141 lives, are yet to be seen in the United States.

Venezuela, a faithful believer in diplomacy and an observer of international law, desires relations of respect and cooperation with all the nations of the world. It is not through deception, blackmail and aggression that diplomacy can be exercised”.

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