“I want to lend him my 308”: Philippe Poutou valve Valérie Pécresse, in financial difficulty

By signing the worst result of the Republicans in a French presidential election, Valérie Pécresse has alienated people in her own camp. She also got into trouble personally. Not having reached the 5% of votes synonymous with reimbursement of campaign expenses, she must find the money herself.

“It is a personal and collective disappointment. The financial situation of my campaign is now critical, we have not reached the 5% which allowed us to obtain the 7 million in reimbursements from the State. These 7 million reimbursements are missing to complete the budget of this campaign. […] I am personally indebted to the tune of 5 million euros”, she announced to her supporters. ” I am appealing for donations. I need your urgent help by May 15 to complete the financing of this presidential campaign. The survival of the Republican Party is at stake.”

A delicate situation therefore for the candidate who has always shouted that “her value was work and not assistantship”. The magnitude of the sum to be collected should not make her smile but it amuses, on the other hand, many opponents of the former candidate LR. Including Philippe Poutou of the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA).

On Twitter, the politician offers his help. “To help my ex-colleague Pécresse who is facing major financial difficulties, linked to an overestimation of his abilities, if it can help him, I would like to lend him my 308 for a few days”, ironically the man on the social network.

He is not the only one to react to this call for donations from Valérie Pécresse. This has caused a lot of reaction from Internet users.



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