Mexico accumulates 1,321 infections in 3 days

In the last three days, the accumulated number of positive cases of COVID-19 is 1,321, according to data issued by the Ministry of Health. The agency reported that in the last 24 hours, 648 infections and 78 deaths were confirmed. Since the beginning of the health emergency and until today, 5,723,862 cases and 323,805 deaths have been reported.

The distribution by sex in confirmed cases shows a predominance in women of 52.1%.

The distribution by sex in confirmed cases shows a predominance in women of 52.1%.

The health agency detailed that at today’s information cutoff, there are 4,785 active cases, that is, they presented symptoms in the last 14 days. In the last five weeks, most of the cases are present in the groups of 18 to 29 years, followed by the group of 30 to 39 years and 40 to 49 years. The cases of the virus are more frequent among the female population, who represent 52.1% of these; while casualties are more common among men, with an incidence of 62%. The 10 entities of the Republic with the most accumulated confirmed cases are: Mexico City, State of Mexico, Nuevo León, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Tabasco, San Luis Potosí, Veracruz, Puebla and Sonora, which together make up 65% of all accumulated cases registered in the country. The SSa recommended that the population continue to adhere to basic hygiene measures in order to protect themselves and others.

Finally, the daily report indicates that as of Tuesday, 194,095,557 doses of an anticovid vaccine have been applied to 85,676,600 people, of which 79,903,072 already have a complete vaccination schedule.



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