Freddy Rincón: state of health and what is known about the accident he suffered – Cali – Colombia

Soccer fans remain dismayed following the serious traffic accident that has Freddy Rincón, a Colombian legend, in “very critical condition” for whom his relatives ask to pray and cling to the recovery of today’s sports commentator.

In the early hours of Monday, the Cali Mobility Secretariat reported a serious traffic accident in that city. The incident left five injured, including Freddy Eusebio Rincón and the driver of a bus from the MIO mass transportation system.

(The last: Freddy Rincón, “in a very critical condition”: this is the last medical report)

(In context: ​Freddy Rincón suffered a spectacular traffic accident in Cali )

According to the investigations, the public service bus was coming down Fifth Street and the truck, in which the former international soccer player was traveling, was advancing along Carrera 34, near the Pan-American Park, when the spectacular accident occurred.

The preliminary report from the Cali Mobility Secretariat indicated that the accident occurred at 4:44 a.m. on Monday, April 11.

(We recommend: Freddy Rincón: accident car has 3 speeding tickets)

It was detailed that the UGR-410 license plate truck was advancing through race 34, passing in front of the Pascual Guerrero stadium in the San Fernando neighborhood. He continued in search of Fifth Avenue. Due to the trajectory, the vehicle would continue towards the El Perro park sector, in the upper part of San Fernando, but the bus appeared and then the crash occurred.

(Read also: Freddy Rincón: what are the risks of a traumatic brain injury?)

The mobility report added that it has not been established who was behind the wheel of the car in which Rincón was traveling with another man and two women. This in the midst of confusion over the accident.But it is known that Rincón was traveling as a passenger and on the side that received the impact.

The four were injured and were taken to the San Fernando and Imbanaco clinics. The driver of the MIO also leaves with injuries due to the impact that destroyed the front part of the bus.

(Also read: Freddy Rincón: video, the moment of the accident in Cali)

In a video you can see the path followed by the private car. During the recording, it is noted that the traffic light would be yellow, as if it were not in operation. Other versions say that it is in red.

From one moment to another, the bus appeared, coming from the Fifth and sent the private car more than 40 meters away, which in its drag took a traffic signal.

The car in which Rincón was riding was destroyed on the right side, where the co-pilot and a passenger are located.

(Besides: Freddy Rincón: Mayor of Cali gives new details regarding the accident)

Rincón, ‘in very critical condition’

Freddy Rincon is found in critical condition at the Imbanaco Clinic, From Cali. At 3 pm, the clinic issued a new medical report, specifying the current situation of the former soccer player, who was diagnosed with severe head trauma.

“He underwent surgery, a surgery of 2 hours and 45 minutes, once operated, he has been transferred to the intensive care unit, his condition, taking into account the very delicate findings, is very critical, his prognosis is reserved, we insist, condition critical for which we will continue to deploy everything that is required. It should be clear that his prognosis remains very reserved, “said Laureano Quintero, the medical chief of the Imbanaco Clinic.

Sebastián Rincón Lucumí, one of his sons, published an image on his social networks and sent a brief but heartfelt message to his father. “Stand firm old man. I love you, all faith, firm”, assured the young man, who is also a soccer player.

‘El Coloso’, as Freddy Rincón was called, scored one of the most important goals in the history of Colombia, when the National Team tied Germany in the 1990 World Cup.

The native of Buenos Aires debuted in Independiente Santa Fe, went through América de Cali and following his outstanding football with the Colombian National Team managed to reach Real Madrid, from Spain. He was also a figure with Corinthians, from Brazil, a club with which he was world champion.

With these performances, Rincón became one of the greatest soccer players in the history of Colombia. He is considered a national soccer legend.

How was the crash in the Fifth

The Imbanaco clinic, through the doctor Laureano Quintero, at 10:40 this Monday morning, reported that “prior authorization from the relatives, it is announced that Freddy Eusebio Rincón was admitted this morning as a victim of severe head trauma. His Conditions are very critical.

(We recommend you read: ‘Force, Freddy Rincón’: the messages of support they send to the former player)

note that “By interdisciplinary decision of the entire team, he was taken to our operating room area, from where he will go to the intensive care area. All the pertinent care will be applied and the team of specialists will deploy everything necessary.”

Mayor of Cali gives new details of the accident

Jorge Iván Ospina, mayor of Cali, gave new details regarding what happened at dawn this Monday, in the accident that involved the former soccer player.

“The mayor of Cali will transfer all the evidence of the case to the Attorney General’s Office. It is an event with injuries, damages, and the Prosecutor’s Office must make known the pertinent investigation“said Ospina, who added: “It is regarding the life and integrity and the possible disability of a local, national and international figure. It is not just any event, it is relevant. We want Freddy to recover.”

(Keep reading: Freddy Rincón: Mayor of Cali gives new details regarding the accident)

The mayor assured that “the car belongs to Mr. Tomás Humberto Díaz Valencia, his SOAT has not been cancelled, and reported for infractions in the Cali Mobility Secretary.” He confirmed that Rincón was with two women in the vehicle, although he clarified that it is a matter of investigation if there were 3 or 4 people.

On the other hand, he said that the feeder was starting work, that it was without passengers and was driven by Jorge Eduardo Muñoz, 28 years old.

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