The judge investigates “the stage of the ‘Titadine'” of ETA

Image of the attack perpetrated in 2003 by ETA in Sangüesa (Navarra) in which two police officers were killed.

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Image of the attack perpetrated in 2003 by ETA in Sangüesa (Navarra) in which two police officers were killed.

The National audience has admitted for processing a complaint once morest eight leaders of AND for attempt perpetrated on May 20, 2003 in Sanguesa (Navarra) in which two agents of the National Police. The magistrate Alexander Abascal This opens another door to investigate those who were ETA leaders for their mediate participation in the events. This complaint is added to those that are already instructing in that same court and in those of Manuel Garcia Castellon Y Santiago Pedraz and that implicate those who were at the head of ETA when the attacks were committed.

In this case, the complaint filed by Dignity and Justice implies to Juan Fernández Iradi, Gorka Palacios, Garikoitz Aspiazu, Aitzol Iriondo, Félix Ignacio Esparza, Mikel Albisu, Ramón Sagarzazu Y Maria Soledad Iparraguirre “for their presumed responsibility, as members of the ETA executive committee, in making the decision to commit the Sangüesa attack on May 30, 2003.” In addition, the complaint places Garikoitz Arruarte Y Gorka Loran as alleged material authors of the aforementioned events, according to the judge’s admission order to which this newspaper has had access.

On that date, ETA murdered two national policemen when the sticky bomb that was attached to their car exploded. Another agent suffered multiple wounds to the chest and abdomen, as well as to the lower limbs. In addition, a worker Telefónica he was injured by shrapnel in one leg. The fatalities were Bonifacio Martin Hernando56 years old, born in Sanchorreja (Avila) and neighbor of PamplonaY Julian Embid Luna53 and from the Zaragoza town of Saviñán. The injured, the police Ramon Rodriguez44 years old, and Charles Rooster37 years old.

The deceased agents, who had two children each, belonged to the Documentation and Immigration Units Already Citizen security. They went once every two months to Sangüesa to facilitate the renewal of the DAYS. The victims’ car rose four stories following the explosion. It caused the breaking of windows of different buildings and the fire of three parked vehicles.

The complaint is directed by mediate authorship once morest the eight ETA officials, due to their status as members of the ETA management committee or «Zuba» (acronym for Board of Directors) who presumably were at the top of the hierarchical chain of command of the terrorist organization at the time of the events, explains the complaint prepared by the lawyer Miguel Angel Rodriguez.

Attacks in six months

The judge considers that the complaint “provides indications of the direct participation of Garikoitz Arruarte and Gorka Lorán.” He explains that since the Sangüesa attack, “a series of attacks with explosives took place during the second half of 2003 (18 bomb attacks in six months) and up to the attempted massacre by a train bomb on Christmas Eve in 2003 at the Chamartín station (Madrid), the two defendants being arrested for the latter».

“If another period of the band was called the years of leadthat second half of 2003 were the months of the Titadine», points in the car.

In the lawsuit, Dignity and Justice, chaired by Daniel Goalkeeperstates that «between 2003 and 2004 the terrorist organization ETA was increasingly cornered and weakened by the work of the State security forces and bodies, so that throughout those two years its Zuba (executive committee) made up of the defendants here tried it in an ideal way time and time once more by distributing a large amount of explosive Titadine between its different commands, such as the one used in the Sangüesa attack, throughout the Spanish geography».

The judge points out: «In relation to the members of the management bodies of ETA once morest whom the complaint is directed, this instructor has weighed the report prepared by the General Information Police Stationlabeled as ‘members of the governing bodies of ETA’ dated June 30, 2014, in which its authors have applied the knowledge, skills, aptitudes and attitudes acquired through long experience in preparing information analysis reports related to ETA and with the organizations and structures that have formed and continue to form the network of support for the terrorist organization, through experience gained during years of investigation at the General Information Police Station dedicated exclusively to the criminal group and its entourage, which has allowed the accumulation of data on its purposes, operation, leaders, members and modus operandi, which concludes with the likelihood of the facts reported in this resolution, granting them the degree of attributable facts.

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