Let’s work together to create an anti-terrorist zone; Modi thanks Shahbaz | pmmodi | congratulated

New Delhi: Pakistan’s Prime Minister-elect Shahbaz Shah has been ousted. Prime Minister Rajnath Modi congratulates Reef Modi tweeted that they will not work together to create an anti-terrorist zone. Informed. India understands peace and stability and is committed to the well-being of the people. Modi also tweeted that they can work together.

Yash Baha following Shahbaz invited to discuss Kashmir issue Modi ended his career by thanking C. India understands that it has good relations with the United States. The Kashmir issue must be resolved peacefully. Shahbaz says Kashmir issue is up for grabs in all international forums Was.

Failure to select a foreigner may result in a loss of property. Is unfortunate. It is unfortunate that our relationship with India has not changed in a positive way. Nawaz Sharif India’s relations with the United States have improved. Nawaz Sharif raises voice for Kashmir in the Legislative Assembly Scooty added.

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