Macron vs Le Pen, stability versus anger: “Two hated political brands clashing”

Le Pen and Macron embody two irreconcilable Frances that everything seems to oppose.

Five years later, they find themselves in the second round of the presidential elections. On the one hand, outgoing President Emmanuel Macron and his “En Marche” movement, which is struggling to establish itself in the political landscape, even if it will have completely destructured French politics.

On the other, Marine Le Pen who, following shelving the National Front thus completing the de-demonization operation undertaken in recent years, managed to soften her image during this campaign, also well helped by Éric Zemmour. If the disagreements between the two qualified candidates for the second round are very numerous, a common point is to be noted, “these are two political marks hated in France, underlines Virginie Martin, French political scientist and teacher at the Kedge Business School. One by his arrogance, the ultra-capitalism that he seems to be developing is the candidate McKinsey, he is very hated by some of the French. The Le Pen brand is hated by another part of France, because of its populism. We have like two irreconcilable Frances.



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