“Feine Sahne Fischfilet” singer Monchi on losing weight: “It’s a struggle every day”

Someone in the same situation can take a lot of courage from Never Full. But the book also offers exciting things for others. Because in addition to the chronological main thread regarding losing weight, Monchi has pushed memories of experiences with the band or from childhood into the “I see something, what you don’t see” chapters that shaped him and his political views.

It was also difficult, says Monchi, to find the right tone when writing. “I’ve lost 140 pounds, but I didn’t want to sound like everything was great now.”

Especially in the KURIER interview he has a low once more. He is in corona quarantine at home because someone in his family has contracted the virus.

“That’s why I can’t do any sport and weigh 125 kilos. That’s a lot closer to 150 in my head than 100. It’s a struggle every day. During the day I still get hold of myself, but in the evening I stuff myself back into it. One sausage sandwich becomes three and one piece of chocolate becomes the whole chocolate. These are patterns I still fall into to this day.”

That’s why the joy of the reading tour, which starts at the end of April and stops at Vienna’s Rabenhof Theater on May 14, is balanced with the fear of falling back into unhealthy habits in the stress of the tour.



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