phrases to share on Whatsapp and start Easter

Holy Week begins with the traditional celebration of Palm Sunday, which commemorates the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, “in which the crowd received him with joy and acclaimed him as the Messiah,” says Aci Prensa.

“On Palm Sunday, the faithful congregate in their parishes to receive from the priest the traditional blessing of the palms and participate in the procession and the Solemn Mass, in which the story of the Passion of Christ is read,” indicates the aforementioned portal.

Aci Prensa also highlights that during this date “the two liturgical traditions that originated the celebration of Palm Sunday intersect: the liturgical tradition of Jerusalem and the liturgical tradition of Rome.”

In this celebration, messages can be shared to live this date with greater reflection, as explained by El Comercio, It also recommends some phrases to share with friends and family in messaging applications such as WhatsApp.

  • If people reflected on God’s sacrifice for us, there would be no such thing as wickedness or selfishness. Have a serene Holy Week.”
  • “We are very busy, let’s take advantage of these days of Holy Week to open our hearts and love the risen God.”
  • “Remember that evil is overcome by faith in God. I wish you a very serene Holy Week”.
  • “In these days of Holy Week let us revive faith and hope because this will help us find the peace that we so much need.”
  • “May the love of God fill your heart with peace and strength so that you follow the right path.”
  • “Let us be humble of heart, let us know the word of God that gives us the key to behave as true Christians.”
  • “Just as Christ was resurrected, we must rise once more by removing everything that is not good in the eyes of God.”
  • “May you spend Holy Week with the best attitude and may this be your best example as a true Christian.”
  • “Just as you are united with your family to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, do the same to remember and accompany him when he had to leave this world.”
  • “May the Resurrection of Jesus Christ not be remembered only at Easter, but every day of your life.”

According to the gospels, no small group of people settled on the outskirts of the city in order to celebrate the arrival of the Messiah, who was riding on a donkey.

Those present carried with them some palms, which they used to lay them on the road, in addition to applauding with greater force who was then considered a prophet in the midst of the people of Israel.

This is how Saint John 12: 12-15 relates it:

12 The next day, large crowds who had come to the feast, hearing that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,

13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, crying: Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel!

14 And Jesus found a donkey, and he rode on it, as it is written:

15 Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your King comes, riding on a donkey’s colt.”

It is important to know that “Easter dates are determined from the lunar calendar, so that the Sunday following the first full moon following the start of spring is Easter”, that is to say that in this 2022 it will be April 17, this is how El Universo highlights it.

According to El Universo, these will be the readings for Palm Sunday:

  • “The First Reading is from the book of Isaiah, chapter 50 and verses 4 to 7″.
  • “The Second Reading is from Philippians, chapter 2 with verses 6 to 11″.
  • “The Gospel reading is from Luke, chapter 22, with verses 14 to 71; and chapter 23, with verses 1 to 56.



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