Burning 200 calories in 10 minutes is possible thanks to high-performance exercises

“Weight gain occurs when more calories are consumed than are burned or fewer calories are burned than are consumed,” explains the Mayo Clinic portal, in addition, adding that “some people seem to be able to lose weight more quickly and easily than othersEveryone loses weight when they burn more calories than they take in.”

In this process of burning calories there are sports routines that help to lose weight. On the YouTube channel Nobadaddiction Spain they advise a physical training of only 10 minutes to burn 200 calories.

jumping jacks, crunch bicycle, squats, jumps simulating a bow, are some of the exercises included in this routine that they advise on the aforementioned YouTube channel.

According to the Mayo Clinic, “aerobic exercise is the most efficient way to burn calories and includes activities such as walking, cycling and swimming. As a general goal, you can include at least 30 minutes of physical activity in your daily routine.

To lose weight, experts recommend “increasing the time dedicated to physical activity even more”, in addition, the aforementioned portal recommends activities such as the one mentioned above of performing “10-minute exercises throughout the day, because the more active the body, the greater the benefits,” the Mayo Clinic said.

Mayo Clinic specialists also indicate that “there are no magic formulas” to burn calories and lose weight. “Dietary supplements should not be expected to help burn calories or lose weight. Some can cause bothersome or even dangerous side effects.”

“There are several ways to lose weight every day, and it is not necessary to go hungry or submit to a strict regimen”, warns Better with Health, in addition, they indicate in the aforementioned portal that “the key is to adopt a healthy lifestyle and follow the doctor’s recommendations and the nutritionist.

How to burn 600 calories daily?

Better To Health indicates that with simple activities at home or in the workplace you can burn calories. “For example, walking down the hall while talking on the phone, doing light stretches or exercises while watching TV or listening to a podcast They are effective ways to burn some calories and thus, get closer to the goal that has been set.”

The aforementioned website highlights that by eliminating 35.00 calories per week, in total you can lose a kilo of weight without having to undergo something more strict”, but warns that you should “lead a healthier lifestyle”.

To burn those 600 calories a day, Better To Health recommends the following steps:

Standing requires more energy than sitting. For this reason, when doing simple activities like talking on the phone, it can be done standing up. When folding clothes, also standing. Although these seem insignificant activities, the truth is that they are contributing to the burning of calories”

The second step to increase caloric expenditure is to have a daily exercise routine like the one recommended by the YouTube channel Nobadaddiction Spain. “This helps burn a significant number of calories daily. But to enhance the results and achieve the goal, the intensity of the exercise and the time must be increased as much as possible. For example: when walking 30 minutes every day, you can do that same time but running”, explains Better with Health.

Medline plus notes that in order to lose weight, “you need to reduce the number of calories you consume. But you can jumpstart your weight-loss effort by burning more calories every day.”

The aforementioned portal indicates that you can have habits such as walking and a simple exercise at home: “lift your foot an inch, or a couple of centimeters, from the ground, try to spend a good time in that position and then change your feet”, According to Medline Plus, this can “work your leg muscles and core muscles and improve your balance.”



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