Viva Aerobus stops flying from Cuba to Nicaragua for reasons ‘totally out of its reach’

the mexican airline Viva Aerobus stops operating flights to Managua from Cubaas announced in the Travel Portal Facebook page. The last flights to the Nicaraguan capital are scheduled for today, Saturday, April 9, from Havana and Santiago de Cuba with a connection in Cancun.

Dear Customers By this means we notify you that unfortunately as of tomorrow, Saturday April 9, NO longer…

Posted by Travel Portal on Friday, April 8, 2022

“By this means we notify you that unfortunately starting tomorrow, Saturday, April 9 We will NO longer operate any more flights to the Managua destination from any of the routes we currently flybeing the two flights on 04/09 (HAV CUN MGA and SNU CUN MGA), the last to operate,” writes the company, without explaining the reasons for the sudden decision.

“All passengers with paid tickets from April 10 onwards will be 100% refunded. However, those who have had their tickets confirmed on previous dates and did NOT show up for their original flight (they did No Show) due to the different reasons they may have, their tickets are NOT refundable”, specifies the message from Viva Aerobus, which also clarifies that refunds can take up to 21 days, due to the high volume of passengers.

“It is worth clarifying that due to the high volume of passengers that we must process for refunds, the process can take up to 21 days,” says the airline and offers its “sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.”

The publication has generated discomfort among users who had purchased their tickets for dates following April 9 and do not see compensation in the refund, since some had sold everything for leave Cuba. The lack of explanations by the company has also led to speculation regarding the reason behind this suspension announced overnight.

“Well, and they are not going to put the reason for that decision made so suddenly that affects so many Cubans who have sold everything to be able to leave the country and then from one day to the next it’s all over, at least put the reason or you don’t have oil or you don’t have a pilot or you don’t have planes or the reason for that decision from one day to the next”, questions Raci Lily.

“It is very, very unfair what they have done to us with great vulgarity because first there were many, many people who returned last month and without further ado they canceled our flight and it was rescheduled and now they tell us that they are completely canceled not only have we wasted time if not we have lost hotel reservation twice and that if they do not reimburse it for God there is respect, it is our sacrifice and that of our family and also now the reimbursement in 21 days no, that is already a lot, gentlemen, it cannot be for God, “writes Ofelia Olivera Bandomo.

“This is a lack of respect. I was flying on March 30 and they canceled the flight due to lack of crew. Now they cancel flights as simple as that,” says Osmay Pérez.

“It was only to be expected that communism met with The president of Mexicospeculates Landy RA.

For her part, Lidiel Lazo considers a meeting between representatives of Cuba and Mexico the day before to be suspicious.

“A day ago there was a meeting Cuba-Mexico and following this, Viva, one of the most reliable airlines has to suspend flights to Nicaragua Hence, it is evident that the airline and its agency have nothing to do with it, otherwise they would not continue operating from Cuba to Mexico on their different itineraries. What is saddest is that three or four people decide the future of thousands or millions of people who no one is a secret they went out through Nicaragua to USA paying brutal amounts of money,” he writes.

In the face of criticism and suspicion, the airline has only reiterated its apologies and assured that “it is something totally out of our reach.”

Two days before announcing the suspension of flights, on April 6, Viva Aerobus had reported, on its own Facebook page, that sales for the Managua destination were closed “until further notice” “from all the routes that we currently handle” .

The company, which has not announced any damage to its other routes, began linking Cuba with Nicaragua in Februarygiven the increase in Cubans interested in traveling to that destination, following the visa waiver announced by Daniel Ortega’s regime in November 2021.



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