Very important.. How to detect hormones in chicken before eating it and keep you healthy

Very important.. How to detect hormones in chicken before eating it and keep your <a data-ail="2644115" target="_self" href="" >health</a> – educate me

Most chicken dealers inject chickens with excess hormones, as they work to increase their weight, and avoid their accumulation without selling, which harms human health and the accumulation of diseases in the kidneys. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss the methods that make a person look for a way to detect hormones in chickens to avoid buying them. And away from diseases caused by eating chicken injected with hormones.

How do you detect hormones in chickens?

In order to avoid buying poultry that have been injected with hormones that harm health, you should follow the following:

  • Chicken movement: the chicken that has been injected with hormones differs in its movement as little as possible from the movement of the chicken that has been injected with hormones
    She did not receive the injections of hormones, which leads to slow movement or reduced it completely, and this can be detected by looking at it with the naked eye without the need to use devices or others.
  • Lazy chicken: A chicken receiving hormone injections gains a lot of weight, which leads to lethargy in its body
    And the laziness that prevails on it, on the contrary, is the chicken that did not receive hormones, and that you can follow it with the naked eye.
  • The strength of the chicken: the chicken that has not been injected is characterized by the strength of its body, in contrast to the chicken that has been injected with hormones,
    This can be noticed by the eye, and when cooking, where it ripens quickly, as a result of receiving hormones that may affect its strength.
  • Skin color: You can tell if the chicken received hormone injections or not by looking at the color of the skin where
    The healthy chicken acquires a light color, unlike the chicken that received the hormone injections, that the skin is dark in color.
  • Bone strength: The chicken that was not injected with hormones is characterized by the strength of its bones, in contrast to the chicken that received hormones, as its bones are soft and weak at all.
  • The appearance of injection marks: You can search for the places where the hormones are injected into the chicken’s body before cooking it, by searching in the places of the neck, and the wings, especially inside the wings, with the appearance of red or blue marks in the injection sites, which makes you get rid of the chicken immediately for the sake of your safety and the safety of your family.
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At the end of this article, we have explained how the hormones in chicken are detected by several ways by looking at the naked eye or through cooking, namely the movement of chicken, chicken laziness, chicken strength, skin color, bone strength, and also the appearance of injection marks.

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