Watch: Safa Sultan rips Tim Hassan’s image live

Jordanian artist Safaa Sultan sparked a great controversy, following tearing up a picture of Syrian artist Tim Hassan, live, during her hosting of the “Pranks We Say Hard” program with the journalist Hisham Haddad.

The journalist, Haddad, asked Sultan to tear up the image of one of the artists, as among them was the image of the Egyptian artist Ahmed Zaher and the artists Mohamed Al-Ahmad and Abdel Moneim Amayri, so she refused to tear up, while she agreed to tear up the image of Tim Hassan, because he is the only one who did not work with him before, as she said: ” It is possible that I resemble him… they make me feel that I resemble him.”

It is noteworthy that Sultan is currently showing her a Ramadan work, a series “Suspended,” written by Ali Wajih and Yamen Al-Hajali, directed by Saif Al-Hajali, and starring: Abbas Al-Nouri, Solaf Fawakherji, Ghassan Masoud, Sabah Al-Jazaery, Shukran Murtaja, Yamen Al-Hajali and others.



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