How do you prepare to meet your child’s teacher?

Whether group meetings with other parents or individually, the goal as parents is not only to find out about their child’s progress, but also to get to know the teacher better while exchanging on all elements that could be important in his learning and well-being.

Take an interest in what your child is doing

First of all, regularly take an interest in what is happening at school by asking your child what he has learned, what homework he has to do or what he likes or dislikes. don’t like, will promote their involvement and motivation. To do this, do not hesitate to talk regularly with your child when he returns from school so that he can tell you about his day, his friends or what he has learned.

If your child has trouble talking about what he did in school, try asking more open-ended questions, such as “Tell me about an activity you liked?” and don’t insist if he tells you he doesn’t remember. Children, especially the little ones tend to live in the present moment, so there is not necessarily a need to worry.

Take advantage of the meeting with the teacher

The meeting times not only allow you to discuss grades and learning, but also to inform you about the progress of the school year, the operation and the program of your school.

Talk to your child about this meeting in a positive and reassuring way, explaining to him that you attach importance to what is happening to him at school and that you want to help him.

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Find out more: “I’m going to school! – The little encyclopedia – from 3 to 7 years old” by Delphine Gravier-Badreddine and Charlotte Roederer.

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