Surprise with surveillance cameras surrounding the crime scene of the murder of the priest of Alexandria

The Egyptian investigation authorities found 3 surveillance cameras installed on three gates of the beach in which the incident occurred. to the victim.

The surprise was that the three cameras did not record the moments of the accused committing the crime and only showed a state of panic, jogging and fleeing from the place.

The funeral of the priest of Alexandria

The accused retracts his statement

The Egyptian Public Prosecution interrogated the accused, and during his confrontation he confessed to the accusation of committing the incident, then returned and changed his confession and decided that he had come to Alexandria a few days ago in search of work following moving from one governorate to another, and he stayed overnight in the public roads until he found a knife in a garbage complex, so he kept it in defense About himself, then claimed that on the day of the incident and following he saw the victim in front of him, he did not feel what he had done before him, until those present arrested him.

The funeral of the priest of Alexandria

The funeral of the priest of Alexandria

During the Public Prosecution’s interrogation, the accused revealed new information regarding the incident and his life circumstances, as a previous man claimed that he had mental disorders regarding ten years ago, following which he was admitted to a mental health hospital to receive treatment, and that he sometimes loses control of his actions.

anatomical report

The autopsy report issued by the Forensic Medicine Authority revealed that the victim’s death was the result of a stab wound to the neck.

The Public Prosecution had ordered the detention of the accused of killing Reverend Arsanios Wadid Rizk, priest of the Church of the Virgin Mary in Muharram Bey, for four days pending investigations, and the implementation of the competent court’s decision to place him under medical observation in a public hospital specialized in treating mental and neurological diseases to clarify the truth of what he claimed during his interrogation of his previous suffering. He suffers from mental illness that causes him to lose control of his actions, following I questioned him.



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