Renewal of deans of the UNLP: uncertainty for the election in Medicine

The UNLP faculties will continue next week with the renewal of deans for the period 2022-2026. Monday it will be the turn of Dentistry, Veterinary Sciences, Economic Sciences and Medical Scienceswhere a climate of uncertainty reigns around the re-election of the Juan Basualdo Farjat.

as far as he could tell, the Board of Directors of Medicine has the first call for Monday at 9, but everything indicates that the vote will not take place that day. It happens that Basualdo needs 11 votes out of 16 to be re-elected and 9 to propose his successor. As things stand, the support of the student body may be decisive in defining the renewal of his mandate for four more years.

It should be noted that the Board of Directors of each academic unit is made up of sixteen members: seven teachers, a head of practical work, two assistants with diplomas or degrees, five students and a non-teaching representative.

In the rest of the faculties the panorama is clearer. In odontologythe current dean Gabriel Lazo is heading to continue one more period at the head of the academic unit, like Marcelo Peccoraro in Veterinary Sciences.

For its part, the Board of Directors of Economic Sciences will have an extraordinary session to elect the dean for 2022-2026. Everything indicates that Eduardo De Giusti will continue to head that faculty.

At the moment, the only faculties that have already been renewed by their authorities are Engineering and Computer Science, where they were unanimously elected Marcos Actis and Marcelo Naiouf, respectively.

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