- Vitamin D deficiency can serious health consequences to have
- Study shows: deficiency may possibly premature death to lead
- One group of people is particularly at risk
Too little sun, hardly any time outdoors: Especially in the winter months, the vitamin D level in many people drops significantly. Because the body’s own vitamin D production is only set in motion by direct sunlight. However, when it is cold, many people leave the house less often, which can be an additional risk factor for vitamin D deficiency if there are fewer hours of sunshine. Too low a vitamin D level is often underestimated or not even noticed. How dangerous a deficiency can be, however, reveals a study by Medical University of Vienna.
Vitamin D deficiency: Early death possible under certain circumstances
First of all, however, it should be mentioned that the Supplementation of vitamin D can by no means do everything. A research team from Massachusetts General Hospitals der Harvard Medical School found that supplementation with vitamin D had no effect on whether one was more susceptible to depressions is or not. Unlike what you initially thought. The team disproved a widespread misconception.
For this purpose, around 18,000 middle-aged men were observed over a period of five years in the most extensive study on this topic to date. The results were published in the journal JAMA published and allow clear conclusions as to what the Prevention of depression with vitamin D concerns.
Vitamin D has among all vitamins a special position: Not only can it be ingested through diet, but it is also produced by the body itself – primarily through exposure to the sun’s rays. The pure intake through food often not enough to meet the body’s vitamin D needs.
Vitamin D deficiency and increased mortality: how they are connected
What consequences a Vitamin D deficiency has been examined by Austrian scientists – the result of the study is worrying. The scientists from the University of Vienna analyzed whether there is a connection between a vitamin D deficiency in the body and increased mortality. your Results they presented at the annual conference of the “European Association for the Study of Diabetes”.
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The study brought the following findings: Increased mortality and vitamin D deficiency go hand in hand close connection. Parallels might be found especially in young and middle-aged people. It is also frightening that a vitamin D deficiency in particular diabetes-related deaths might be brought.
The connection between increased mortality and vitamin D deficiency has already been proven in numerous studies. However, a large part of the research can be traced back to the study of older test subjects. Here, an influence on the results by an increased rate of vitamin D supplementation cannot be ruled out.
Vienna study on vitamin D deficiency
In the Department of Laboratory Medicine General Hospital in Vienna measurements were taken between 1991 and 2011 in a total of 78,581 patients (31.5 percent male, mean age 51 years). Vitamin D content in the body accomplished. The researchers of the new study used data from the records and compared them with the Austrian death register. Where possible, patients were followed for up to 20 years (mean time was 10.5 years).
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The mean value for the vitamin D blood level was 50 nmol/l (nanomoles per liter). This value might then be compared to a low blood level (10 nmol/l) and a high blood level (90 nmol/l) of vitamin D.
It turned out from these observations that low levels of vitamin D in the blood associated with a two- to three-fold increase in the risk of death became. The greatest effect (2.9-fold increased risk) was observed in patients aged 45 to 60 years. It fell by up to 40 percent all-cause mortalitywhen a vitamin D blood levels of 90 nmol/l was present. Here, too, the greatest effect was seen in test subjects aged 45 to 60 years. Only in patients over 75 years of age did the higher vitamin D blood level not result in a statistically significant connection.
Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of death: diabetics are particularly affected
Part of the study was also examining the links between vitamin D and various diseases. For this purpose, the values of cause-specific mortality, i.e. the number of deaths due to a specific disease in relation to the size of the population, compared with the blood content. Surprisingly, the greatest connection here is not between cardiovascular diseases or Krebs.
A completely different disease reacted particularly intensively to a vitamin D deficiency: diabetes patients. diabetic those in the vitamin D deficiency group (less than or equal to 50 nmol/L) had a 4.4-fold greater risk of dying from the disease than those in the comparator group with diabetes. For people suffering from diabetes, it is therefore particularly important that the vitamin D content in the body is well regulated and none deficiency symptoms appear.
Thema Diabetes: You will find clinics, advice centers and self-help groups for those affected online at the diabetes self-help.
At the end of the study, the scientists came to the unequivocal conclusion: Between vitamin D deficiency (below 50 nmol/l) and increased mortality there can be a strong connection beeing confirmed. It is therefore recommended that everyone always keep an eye on their own vitamin D content in the body in order to avoid deficiency symptoms and an increased risk of death.
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