[바른 근골격 생활] Fifty shoulder patients who are getting younger… Prevention and treatment?

The bones and muscles of modern people are at risk! [바른 근골격 생활]Together with the orthopedic surgeon at Madison Orthopedic Hospital, we learn regarding various musculoskeletal disorders that modern people can experience, and introduce correct lifestyle habits, prevention and treatment methods.

Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) was given the name because it is known to occur mainly around the age of 50. In the past, patients with frozen shoulder accounted for more than 80% of all patients, but recently, the age group is diversifying and the number of young patients with frozen shoulder is increasing.
Looking at the age group of patients with frozen shoulder in 2020 health and medical big data, people in their 50s accounted for only 31.7%, those in their 60s and 70s accounted for regarding 40%, and those in their 40s accounted for a whopping 14.8%. “Recently, there are cases of frozen shoulder even at a young age due to wrong sports activities, excessive use of electronic devices, stress, etc.” If left unattended, we asked Director Kim Dong-gyu regarding the cause, treatment, and prevention of frozen shoulder, which causes great discomfort in daily life because it is difficult to move the shoulder and arm.

Q. When I feel shoulder pain in middle-aged, I suspect a frozen shoulder. What exactly is a frozen shoulder?

A. Frozen shoulder is also called frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. The shoulder is the joint with the widest range of motion in our body, and the muscles and ligaments around the shoulder joint provide support. And the ‘joint capsule’, which is a fibrous bag, surrounds it. Inflammation in this area causes the joint capsule to harden and muscles to contract, resulting in severe pain and movement disorders, causing many inconveniences in life.

Q. The number of young frozen shoulder patients is increasing. What is the reason?

A. Most of the reasons for frozen shoulder are degenerative changes that restrict movement, usually due to lack of exercise due to long-term hospitalization due to trauma. However, if a frozen shoulder occurs at a young age, it can be sufficiently treated with a non-surgical method because it is not due to aging.

Q. In addition to the frozen shoulder, other diseases that cause shoulder pain include rotator cuff tear and shoulder impingement syndrome, which are often confused. Are there any special symptoms that might suggest a frozen shoulder?

A. Frozen shoulder, rotator cuff tear, and shoulder impingement syndrome are all common causes of shoulder pain, and in fact, it is difficult to distinguish the symptoms. As for the characteristics of the frozen shoulder, as the name suggests, it occurs a lot in middle-aged people. In the case of rotator cuff tear and shoulder impingement syndrome, only active movements are restricted, whereas in the frozen shoulder, both active and passive movements are restricted. Also, in the case of a frozen shoulder, night pain that worsens in the evening may occur, which may cause sleep disturbance.

Q. Recently, more and more people are using massage chairs. Does using a massage chair help when I have frozen shoulder?

The massage function of a massage chair relaxes stiff muscles, and some massage chairs have a heating function, which may help temporarily relieve pain. However, it is difficult to find the root cause and expect an effect for treatment. Since the shoulder is a rotating joint, stretching regularly is more effective in relieving symptoms than in a massage chair. In addition, since each patient has a different age and condition, it is recommended to receive an accurate diagnosis from an orthopedic surgeon and receive treatment.

Q. Even if a frozen shoulder is suspected, there are cases where it is left unattended for fear of ‘may need surgery’. Do I have to have surgery if I have a frozen shoulder?

A. Frozen shoulder is often left untreated because there is only slight pain in the initial stage and no discomfort in daily life is felt. For this reason, most of the patients diagnosed with a frozen shoulder come to the hospital only following their range of motion is greatly reduced. However, if the cause of the frozen shoulder is not treated, the pain will worsen, so it is important to seek medical attention promptly.

If symptoms are not severe, non-surgical treatment is usually performed, and more than 80% improvement is achieved following 3 to 6 months of treatment. For non-surgical treatment, non-steroidal drug treatment or intra-articular injection treatment is first performed, which reduces joint inflammation and is effective. In addition, physical therapy and manual therapy are combined to strengthen the shoulder muscles.

If there is no improvement even with non-surgical treatment for more than 6 months, consider surgical treatment such as arthroscopy or hydraulic dilatation. Double arthroscopic surgery is a surgical treatment that enables precise diagnosis by inserting a 2~4mm camera and a tube into a small hole suitable for the size of the joint without incising the joint.

Frozen shoulder prevention exercise tips recommended by an orthopedic surgeon

Exercises to help with frozen shoulderㅣSource: Madison Orthopedic Hospital
1. Grasp the elbow of the sore arm with your normal arm and gently pull it in the opposite direction until you feel a stiff sensation. At this point, the sore arm should be completely relaxed.

2. Lie comfortably on your back, with your sore arm facing up, and with your normal arm, gently press the elbow of the sore arm over your ear.

3. While lying comfortably on your back, hold your sore arm on the outside of the bar and gently push the bar with your normal arm. At this point, the elbows of both arms should be at right angles.

4. Sit in a chair and place your sore arm on the desk, then slowly lower your upper body and extend your arm straight over your head until you feel the pain in your arm.

5. Grasp both ends of the towel with both hands, with the sore arm facing down and the normal arm extended upwards so that the sore arm follows.

In addition, it is important to use a stretching band to loosen stiff shoulder muscles or to do exercises to strengthen shoulder muscles with dumbbells, etc. If you use your shoulders a lot, it is helpful to use a massage ball or foam roller in a warm state following showering.

Help = Hidak Consulting Doctor Donggyu Kim (Orthopedic Specialist at Mardison Orthopedic Hospital)

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