Shanghai officials lie flat against the central government?Sun Chunlan summoned the secretary and the mayor to lecture | Shanghai closed the city | Xi Jinping

[NTDTV, Beijing time, April 7, 2022]After Shanghai was forcibly “closed and cleared”, there were rumorsofficer lying flatResist the center, leading to chaos.Vice Premier of the Communist Party of China supervising epidemic prevention in ShanghaiSun Chunlanrecently convened the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the mayor to give lectures.

Shanghai officials “lying flat”? Sun Chunlandemands to keep the city functioning

According to the official website of the Shanghai Municipal Government Information Office on April 6, Sun Chunlan was in Shanghai from April 4 to 5 to investigate and guide the epidemic prevention and control work. Li Qiang, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, and Gong Zheng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, participated in relevant research activities.

Sun Chunlan conveyed to the General Secretary of the Communist Party of ChinaXi JinpingThe directive requires the Shanghai authorities to speed up the construction of Fangcang shelter hospitals and centralized isolation points. At the same time, they must also make every effort to ensure the normal operation of Shanghai’s urban core functions, break up traffic congestion, ensure the normal operation of port shipping, and ensure the stability and smoothness of the supply chain and industrial chain.

After Sun Chunlan arrived in Shanghai on the 2nd, she communicated to Shanghai officials one following another.Xi JinpingThe general policy of “dynamic clearing” remains unswerving. Shanghai immediately closed the city, and 25 million residents “stayed at home”, officially called “global static management”.

However,Shanghai closed cityLater, officials suspected of “lying flat” once morest the central government, resulting in frequent chaos. Sun Chunlan then asked the Shanghai government to ensure the normal operation of the city, arousing public attention.

The Communist Party’s official media “Jiefang Daily” issued an article on the 6th, calling on officials at all levels in Shanghai to “step up and share the concerns of the grassroots”, with strong criticism.

On the same day, Hong Kong’s “Ming Pao” quoted sources as saying that some officials in Shanghai fled to “lie down”, and the suburban towns were even “taken over” by military medical staff.

The article refers to the book “Xi Jinping in Shanghai” published in early March, referring to the recollections of some officials in the book that may help to understand the mystery of Shanghai’s failure to fight the epidemic today.

Xi Jinping served as secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee for seven months in 2007, and then served in the central government. The article said that Shanghai officials were adept at calculating, but not responsible enough. Shen Hongguang, the then-organization minister of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, recalled in the book that Xi Jinping used the word “not clingy” to describe Shanghai officials, which reflected that Xi was not able to “get along” with local officials in Shanghai at that time.

Shanghai bureaucracy not as popular protest

The chaos of Shanghai’s epidemic prevention has also aroused the protests of the people at the bottom. The WeChat public account “Chiapas Dongfeng Electric Drill” released a long article on the 3rd, saying that the experience of more and more people proves that it is not the virus that must be resolutely won, but lying Inactive bureaucracy. Calling on the people at the bottom to form mutual aid groups to jointly resist the inaction of bureaucratic leaders, “We have to win only an anti-epidemic war once morest bureaucracy.”

Ji Xiaolong, a Shanghai resident, also issued a petition letter on Twitter a few days ago,Shanghai closed cityAfterwards, chaos arose, demanding “immediate dismissal of the current government’s party and government officials” and selecting officials trusted by Shanghai residents.

There are also videos and audio recordings exposing the chaos in Shanghai’s epidemic prevention, revealing the Shanghai government’s inaction, government departments acting independently, concealing epidemic information, disregarding people’s livelihood, and chaotic management of the isolation center.

Shanghai government departments split to conceal the epidemic

In a recorded phone call between Zhu Weiping, director of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Disinfection Management Section of the Shanghai Pudong Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and a citizen, it was disclosed that Shanghai’s official “health cloud” information was false, and the positive report was shown as negative.

The citizen said: “Whether the CDC, medical resources, 12345, or health cloud, you are all divided, and you have not formed a unified front. This is the current situation of the Shanghai government’s united front. That’s the question, right?”

Zhu Weiping replied: “Yes. We are already very angry. Let us inform others that it is positive and the health cloud is negative. We all ask people to call 12345 to complain regarding the health cloud, what are we doing?”

The citizen reconfirmed on the phone and said: “What the people see (the epidemic information) are all fake?”

Zhu Weiping said: “Yes, we are all notified of the positives now, and the health cloud is fake. The whole Shanghai is like this.”

Shanghai people can’t buy vegetables, donate vegetables, no one receives them

A video posted on the Internet showed that the people in Shanghai might not buy food, and protested at home in unison, shouting “need supplies”. However, the large amount of vegetable materials donated by various places were not accepted, rotted in vain and thrown away as garbage.

A video shows a man in Putuo District, Shanghai, shouting desperately on the phone, “Is the Shanghai government human?” “I was driven to death by you, do you know? You tell me, the supermarket is not open, what can I buy? What do I eat? What do I drink? You are driving people to death!” “Forcing the people to rebel! I can’t live anymore!”

Another video shows that in a community in Dachang Town, Baoshan District, Shanghai, supplies purchased online were piled up at the gate of the community, but the epidemic prevention personnel were sitting still, not distributing supplies to residents, allowing residents to protest at the scene.

There is also a video showing that on April 2, on Yongtai Road in Shanghai’s Pudong New Area, a man from Shandong who transported donated supplies called and accused Shanghai officials of “inaction.”

The man said angrily that the more than 100,000 yuan of vegetables they donated to Shanghai for free were not received and would soon rot. And following he arrived in Shanghai, no one cared regarding him. “We are now using our lives to support him, but now I have no water to drink or food to eat.” “Your Shanghai government is too inept.”

A video showed a long line of trucks carrying supplies to Shanghai parked on the side of the road. The driver who filmed the video said that when he delivered relief supplies to Shanghai, “When we got here, no one received the goods, no one took care of us, and we had no food to eat.” guard”.

The person in charge of a wholesale market in Shanghai’s Xuhui District told The Epoch Times that the city leaders asked people in the wholesale market to be quarantined, and they had no way to receive supplies. “The food outside can’t come in, and the citizens can’t eat the food. Now many dishes are directly dumped on the garbage heap.”

The management of the isolation center is chaotic, “like a riot”

A video showed that a bus was parked on the side of the road, and many quarantined people got off the bus and stood on the road, while many epidemic prevention personnel were doing nothing. The man who filmed the video angrily complained that the official deceived them into saying that they were going to quarantine, and as a result, they left the person on the road, and no one cared or asked.

Another video showed a group of citizens, elderly and children among them, standing in an empty campus with luggage stacked next to them. They complained loudly to the anti-epidemic personnel in the distance that they had been here for several hours, and were left in the open air without anyone to care, not even giving a bottle of water. Citizens accused the government of “deceiving” people.

There is also a video exposing that the management of the square cabin in Nanhui University Town in Shanghai is chaotic, there is no food to eat, and it depends on robbing. “It’s horrible, like a riot,” cried a girl who was quarantined with her mother, who only grabbed some water.

Authorities take over Shanghai in disguise in the name of epidemic prevention

As the situation in Shanghai continues to deteriorate, the authorities have recently dispatched tens of thousands of people from various provinces, the army, and the armed police to Shanghai to assist in epidemic prevention and stability maintenance.

Yokogawa, a current affairs commentator in the United States, said that the authorities’ move was ostensibly to assist in epidemic prevention, but in essence it was a disguised takeover of Shanghai.

Yokogawa said in the “Yokogawa Viewpoint” program, “Multiple provinces and troops have been stationed in Shanghai. The last time I saw this kind of momentum in Shanghai was the measures taken to prevent the Shanghai rebellion following Beijing arrested the Gang of Four.”

He believes that the sudden change in Shanghai’s epidemic prevention policy is a political struggle or a line struggle. He agrees with some opinions on the Internet that Xi Jinping does get a chance to clear Shanghai, the hometown of the Jiang faction.

(Comprehensive report by reporter Luo Tingting/responsible editor: Wen Hui)

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