El Confidencial and Vottum raise €8,400 for refugees from the war in Ukraine

The confidentialthe ‘blockchain’ platform Certification Y 14 digital artists have managed to raise for the Tanu Foundation a total of 8.401,43 euros through the initiative ‘solidarity digital art’an amount that will help finance the evacuation and reception in Spain of a hundred refugee children fleeing from ukrainian war.

The art, NFTs and solidarity have shaken hands to contribute to the work of hosting the ONG Tanuwhich has been working for two decades connecting Spanish families with the children of Nikopol, a city south of kyiv, in one of the most impoverished regions of the country. There are many orphanages like the ones that are now in danger from the attacks of the Russian Army. And now, when they are most needed, these ties have served to act once morest the clock and evacuate a hundred children leaving behind the horrors of a conflict that has caused more than four million people to flee Ukraine.

© Provided by El Confidencial

The confidential

The reception of Ukrainian children has united El Confidencial, Vottun and 14 artists in this action to collaborate with the Tanu Foundation. Donors will be able to get an exclusive NFT of a work of art

The amount raised with ‘solidarity digital art’ It will serve entirely to provide the necessary resources to guarantee the well-being of these children, their families and those who have taken care of them.

The collection of these funds has been held in the form of solidarity bid: with the collaboration of 14 digital artists, who have donated their works for this initiative, the highest donations of each of the auctioned works of art will receive a digital certificate NFT exclusive of the pieces given by these creators. Among them are photographers such as Teresa Ordás, Sergi Reboredo The Ignatius Pereira, the writer Javier Moro or digital artists like Javier Arres, Ernst Blaad, Jorge Arevalo The Bit Error.


Work loaned by the artist Javier Arrés.

© Provided by El Confidencial
Work loaned by the artist Javier Arrés.

Work loaned by the artist Javier Arrés.

The NFT of the pieces are non-fungible tokens, completely original and exclusive, associated with a digital file. Photographs, the manuscript of a novel, adaptations of physical works… The winning donation will receive the NFT certificate that will accredit that one has been purchased exclusive and authentic digital artwork. In addition, all participants will obtain a donation certificate from the NGO Tanu for relief and a commemorative NFT, with a ‘collage’ of the works that have participated in the solidarity initiative promoted by El Confidencial and Vottun.


Act of delivery of the solidary collection.

© Provided by El Confidencial
Act of delivery of the solidary collection.

Act of delivery of the solidary collection.

The Vottun team has provided the necessary technology, support and advice for the donations and the ‘minting’ of the works, which have been made in ordinary ‘online’ forms of payment. The blockchain technology, also used in the cryptocurrency market, guarantees the authorship and ownership of the NFT, making it almost impossible to hack. In the same way as a physical work, the digital work can be collected or sold through this NFT. These are works by digital artists that can be bought and later sold by collectors around the world.

With ‘Solidarity digital art’, El Confidencial joins the wave of solidarity with the Ukrainian people to favor the child protection that, for decades, the Tanu Foundation defends in Nikopol. Neither the artists nor any of the promoting companies will receive any remuneration: all the money raised by this initiative will go to the NGO Tanu.



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