Near Charleroi, a 13-year-old girl confronts burglars who have entered her home… And scares them away!

The facts took place on Saturday April 2 in Mont-de-Marchienne, near Charleroi. A gang of burglars broke into a house, thinking it was empty, the Easter holidays having just started.

A few minutes following the break-in, the burglars had already started their small business when a 13-year-old girl appeared… A golf club in her hand!

No, the house was not completely empty, and its resident, armed, is obviously not the type to let things go. The courageous teenager with the firm intention of scaring away these malicious individuals has succeeded. Within seconds, following warning the neighborhood, the thieves had cleared out.

An incredible gesture on the part of such a young girl, but the police insisted on reminding that it is better to avoid imitating her.

“Police are advising people to make their presence known by making noise, turning on lights and locking themselves in a safe, enclosed area. Then it is best to call the emergency number 112″, report our colleagues from 7sur7.

In any case, for the occasion, hats off, miss!



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