Russia expelled from UN Human Rights Council for ‘genocide of civilians’… 93 countries in favor

Russian President Vladimir Putin.  <Photo=AFP/Yonhap News>” src=”<a data-ail=news/jam_photo/202204/08/0a39feda-7e56-4f07-bc7d-4d31a507eed8.jpg”/>Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russia has been virtually expelled from the UN Human Rights Council over allegations of genocide in Ukraine.

The UN General Assembly held a special general meeting on the 7th local time and passed a resolution suspending Russia’s membership in the UN Human Rights Council with 93 votes in favor, 24 once morest, and 58 abstentions.

This vote was targeted by 193 member states, and with the exception of countries that did not participate in the vote, more than two-thirds voted in favor of the resolution, and Russia was stripped of its membership as a member of the Human Rights Council.

The United States pushed ahead with the resolution following evidence emerged that Russian forces had massacred civilians in the northern city of Bucha, Ukraine. Western countries and South Korea voted in favor, while North Korea, China and Iran voted once morest.

Russia became the second country to be disqualified from the UN Human Rights Council following Libya, which cracked down on anti-government protesters in 2011. In particular, Russia is the first time a permanent member of the UN Security Council has been disqualified from a UN-affiliated organization.



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