with the 1.11 update, Sony is trying to win back Playstation players

Gran Turismo 7 was expected like the Messi by all fans of car simulation and the franchise. After a rather successful start, Polyphony Digital’s latest opus has drawn the wrath of players, the fault of several hiccups and questionable decisions made by the studio. With the 1.11 update, the dev teams have promised to rectify the situation.

Credits: Sony

It was undoubtedly one of the most anticipated games of the year on PS5. And for good reason, it’s not every day that a new opus of Gran Turismo lands on our consoles. Tested by yours truly, we hailed during our complete test its qualities, but also pointed out its many faults.

And if the career of Grand Touring 7 got off to a good start she suffered a serious setback due to several controversies. In the first place, this long server updatewhich prevented players from progressing in Career mode for two days. Blame it on that damn mandatory internet connection to enjoy the title, even to play offline modes.

Then, Polyphony Digital did not settle his case by drastically reducing the amount of credits obtained at each race. A roundregarding and dubious way of pushing players to take out the credit card to buy virtual currency. A pill that went very badly with the community, especially since GT 7 is sold at a high price of €79.99.

Gran Turismo is backtracking with the 1.11 update

Result, Gran Turismo 7 received the worst rating in history for a PS5 exclusion on Metacritic, thanks to the magic of review bombing. Faced with community dissatisfaction, Polyphony Digital promised a new update in April 2022 to correct the situation. It has finally been deployed. Via this 1.11 update deployed this Thursday, April 7, the studio is visibly keeping its commitment by going back. First, the amount of rewards has been increased in many races and game modes, namely:

  • On the second half of World Circuits mode
  • In Arcade Races and Custom Races
  • When you complete a series of Bronze or Gold races
  • In salons and daily shopping

We also note the addition of one-hour endurance races, which allow you to win up to 1.2 million Credits per event. Still on the economic side, the maximum cap for credits earned has been increased to 100 million Cr. In terms of progress, the number of cars offered by dealers has been increased. The rest of the patchnote details improvements and fixes on the side of the livery editor, car physics, vehicle settings, or even AI and graphics with better rendering of smoke in Scapes mode and in race. Will these changes be enough to calm the discontent of the players? That remains to be seen.

Source : GT Live



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