Tremendous scare! Yeison Jiménez was chased by armed men | THE UNIVERSAL

Tremendous scare hit Yeison Jiménez following leaving a presentation and being chased by men on motorcycles.

The jury of ‘My name is’ recounted the terrifying moment that happened in Medellín and how he managed to get out of that situation, in which he came to think that he would not come out well.

Through a video on Instagram, Yeison said the men chased him to the hotel where he was staying. They were on a motorcycle and a taxi.

“One of them goes down and draws a revolver. The delicate thing regarding this situation is that two of the escorts who were inside the truck were regarding to start fire, ”he mentioned.

Despite the bad time he experienced, Yeison thanks God because it did not happen to adults and he only got a scare.

As expected, the reactions in networks were immediate. Some criticizing the country’s insecurity, while others called him a “chicanero” and affirmed that the singer lacks “humility.”

It should be remembered that several days ago, Jiménez said that he was undertaking another project, which has nothing to do with music. It is the business brand Productos La Cumbre, which is dedicated to the development of agricultural products.

“In our farms we will always be on the way to conservation, radials and water by solar energy and biogas for food operations. It is a process that fills us with pride and functionality, ”said the singer regarding his business.

In addition, he indicated that he has 400 beehives to help the environment, in order to strengthen agriculture and support various social points.



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