The Academy of Medicine (RANME) announces the II Prize for P…

The Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain (RANME) has announced its 2nd National Painting Award with the support of the ASISA Foundation, an initiative that is part of the annual awards program in the field of science, teaching and culture of the RANME and all Spanish or foreign painters residing in Spain will be able to participate in the 2022 call. The theme of this year’s contest will be ‘Portrait of the humanist doctor Dr. Gregorio Marañón (1887-1960)’. The prize money is 5,000 euros and a supporting diploma issued by the Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain. The winning work will become part of the rich heritage treasured by this institution, remaining its property and may be exhibited temporarily or permanently. The works must be presented at the RANME headquarters, in person or by courier, between May 16 and 27, 2022. All the works presented will be exhibited in the rooms of the Royal Corporation headquarters during the days of May 15 June to July 15, 2022. Once the deadline for the presentation of the works is over, the jury, made up of members of the RANME and the Infanta Margarita Museum of Medicine, as well as prestigious painters and professionals from the art world, will issue its trial on June 10, 2022.



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