Know the weather forecast for this Thursday morning in Orlando | Videos | Univision Orlando WVEN

amber: we continue with wingsnews regarding not thewe continue to monitor thesevere weather conditions andwhat is expected for hours oftoday’s morning thatwill keep throughout the dayas another colleague sayskaruska matos, storms,hail and possibility oftornado,.karuska: you are startingthis thursday because it can becomplicated because sometormentas severasse van adevelop today because it iswhen you see the atmosphereconducive to the occurrenceelectrical discharges andwe must stay in asafe place away from doors andwindows following havingheard last thunder, is thatsure those downloads come outelectrical, winds that canbe developing up to 60miles per hour and hailcan be as large as oneinch, we can also havemoments of torrential rain andone or two tornadoes in formation.It is a day that will not be lovedtake off from ourdigital platforms, ournewscasts and our applicationorlando univision mobile. thestorms are going to happenintermittently, they will becontinue but if it is not formeda storm and then leftform another. we haverain activities startingbetween 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 but withdrawn towards thelocal area and orlando mustkeep with drizzles duringthe course of the morning,at this moment that ispreparing go taking yourumbrella just in case. alsotowards the rainy coastal sectorthe intense wings are going to formclose to noon. heatthat serves as energy forcause those storms, weshow our modelweather right in thedowntown orlandospreading across theinterstate 4 very complicatedbecause there may be downloadsfrequent electrical withstrong winds and hail, thecomplicated heavy traffic withPoor visibility.might be changing thesituation and I was preparing thembefore the possibility that I seebefore this moment, the afagascan exceed 20 to 30miles per hour and canfelling trees that areebile orthat they are sick. the maximsmight be between 83 to86, hot hours but it arrivesthe cold front is going to bring uscool morning.



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