The Witcher: CD Projekt seduced by the Unreal Engine 5 thanks to a video sent by Epic Games?

The next game The Witcher will be developed using theUnreal Engine 5a game engine designed by Epic Games. A first for CD Projectwho will therefore put aside his homemade engine, the REDengine. But how did the Polish studio decide on this change? Well, a technical demo sent by Epic Games may be the basis of everything.

The constructor detailed theUnreal Engine 5 this week, notably announcing that the next Tomb Raider will also run under this engine. And he took the opportunity to return to the case of The Witchersharing a short video where Jason Slama, game director at CD Project talk about theUE5 with background a technical demo with a medieval atmosphere, which obviously evoked memories for him :

At one point, there’s a billboard that looks suspiciously like stuff we’ve done in the past and even has a message that says “Looking for Monster Slayer”.

Are they trying to tell us, “Come on the Unreal Engine – that’s how awesome your games could be?” Was the entire demo made for this nefarious purpose? I don’t know, but it caught my attention!

The technical demo can be seen in the video above, and we must admit that the atmosphere of the games The Witcher is palpable. Did this play into the decision of CD Project to pass toUnreal Engine 5 ? Possibly. The complicated launch of Cyberpunk 2077 with its many bugs on consoles has also undoubtedly tipped the scales, but we will surely never know the end of the story. You can find the games The Witcher on

Writer – Tester
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