2022, is it finally the year of recovery?

The tourism sector ended 2021 with a positive evolution of its main indicators. An evolution stimulated by domestic tourism, whose number of overnight stays by residents increased by nearly 20%. The outlook seems more favorable for the year 2022, following the improvement of the epidemiological situation in Tunisia and the implementation of various recovery programs and support measures for hotel establishments.

The supervisory ministry thus foresees a strong recovery in tourist arrivals for next summer, thanks to the programming of several services from the issuing markets. It also promises a strong return to the Tunisia destination through the multiplication of marketing operations, by deploying a targeted communication strategy, in particular through digital channels. The Tunisian National Tourist Office is also giving itself the means to rekindle enthusiasm around the Tunisian offer and to strengthen its attractiveness, as an accessible and safe destination. It is already time to prepare for the summer season, which is identified with the high season of activity for hoteliers. This year, the stakes are high, because the summer of 2022 will certainly coincide with the start of the return to normal of a tourist activity seriously shaken for two years by the Covid-19 pandemic. Professionals in the sector are sharpening their “weapons” for a recovery in 2022. In the field, since the beginning of the year, they have been actively working for the managerial preparation for the next summer season and to maintain the desire to visit Tunisia. and fine-tuning marketing assets throughout the year, following two years of agony. It should be remembered that the tourism sector was among the economic activities that benefited from relatively significant public aid, in addition to the measure recently announced by the Minister of the Economy and Planning, which consists of the rescheduling of credits for tourist units for a period of 12 months.

Tunisia thus plans to reach this year between 50 and 60% of tourist entries made in 2019, according to the Minister of Tourism, Mohamed Moez Belhassine. Current reservations are around 50% of what was achieved during the same period of 2019.

Tunisia is now a “Covid-Safe” destination. The lifting of health restrictions will allow the country to position itself in the same line of competing destinations. The recovery will certainly be gradual, in the hope that it will be sustainable.



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