Cold-like symptoms may be a sign of an omicron variable in the body

Experts explained that Omicron’s symptoms are mild and the associated symptoms are similar to Colds Or influenza or seasonal allergies, in this report we present symptoms that may indicate infection with the omicron variant in the body that is similar to the common cold.

sore throat

A sore throat can mean anything – a cold or the flu. But it might also mean omicron, and while the classic symptoms of corona are still fever, persistent cough, loss of smell and taste, gastrointestinal symptoms, sore throat, and throat scratching is one of the main symptoms of the omicron variant.

Runny nose

The Omicron variant primarily affects the upper respiratory tract, unlike Delta, which is known to cause severe damage to the lower respiratory tract, which includes the lungs, and this in turn leads to symptoms such as sore throat and runny nose, according to Symptom Study App. ZOE.


Several factors can trigger headaches and dizziness however, headache is a possible symptom of Omicron as well.

As of now, headache is a symptom that has been reported in both the early and late stage of the COVID-19 infection. Earlier, a World Health Organization report that analyzed more than 55,000 positive cases of corona found that headaches were reported in 13.6 percent of these cases.


Fatigue can be prevalent in people with the omicron variant of corona, and depending on the severity of the infection, the pain and fatigue in your body can persist accordingly and some fatigue may persist for more than 2-3 weeks, indicating long-term symptoms of corona.


Sneezing is a strong, involuntary release of air that removes irritants from the nose and throat, according to experts in the app. ZOE For symptoms, sneezing is one of the most important signs of Omicron, however, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).CDC), if you only have sneezing as a symptom, it is not a sign of corona.



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