Consuelo Porras talks about the case of President Giammattei and transfers in prosecutors – Prensa Libre

The boss of Public Ministry (MP), Maria Consuelo Porras Arguetawent this Wednesday, April 6, to the interview with the Nomination Commission for Attorney General of the MP, and was approached by journalists to deal with various current issues, such as investigations in cases involving the president Alejandro Giammattei.

When asked if she protected Giammattei – accused of receiving bribes when he was seeking the presidency of the Republic – the prosecutor replied that both the president, the vice president and any other citizen are subject to knowledge of the laws.

“None of us are subject to the knowledge of the law, none of us escape the knowledge of the law and I absolutely cannot protect anyone,” the prosecutor told reporters.

He reiterated that those who know the cases are the prosecutors. “I can’t protect anyone, because if I were the investigator, ask me that,” she replied.

When asked regarding a guideline where it is ensured that nothing happens in the MP without her knowledge, she stated that it is not an express order.

“The fact that the Feci – Special Prosecutor’s Office once morest Impunity– has a defined competence and depends on the attorney general, due to the specialty of the prosecution, that does not mean that it has precise instructions to do or not to do. There is the independence of each prosecutor,” said the attorney general.

When one of the journalists consulted on why investigations were not being carried out on the Vamos party, because of the more than 20 foreign advisers who did not report to the Supreme Electoral Tribunaland if she protected President Giammattei, the prosecutor replied that the question implied a statement that she might not admit and that since the communicator was assuring something, she had to have proof.

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He was also questioned regarding how he sought re-election if there is a perception by people that he does not trust his work, because President Giammattei has not been investigated nor has anything been done when the then president Jimmy Morales was linked to the death of the 56 girls in the fire of the Secure home and replied: “All cases in the MP are assigned to specialized prosecutors, no case is directly investigated by the attorney general and consequently it is the responsible prosecutors, and by law, the directors of the investigation, who are in charge of the investigation and investigation. decision of each particular case.

The departure of Juan Francisco Sandoval

As for the output of John Francis Sandoval of the Feci, the prosecutor replied: “The causes of the dismissal of Mr. Sandoval are now being discussed in the Labor Court, there they are, you can access and really verify.”

Transfers in prosecutor’s offices

Regarding the transfer of prosecutors from one agency to another, Porras gave as an example the case of Stuardo Campo, who was removed from the Prosecutor’s Office once morest Corruption to direct the Illicit Trafficking of Migrants.

“Regarding the transfer of Mr. Campo, it was because it was important, because an international agency asked me to have a highly knowledgeable person in front of the Immigration Prosecutor’s Office, because addressing the issue was very important,” said Porras.

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In the case of the transfer of the prosecutor Rafael Curruchichewho for many years headed the Electoral Crimes Prosecutor’s Office and was later appointed to head the Feci, instead of Sandoval, the prosecutor stated that removing him from one prosecutor’s office and transferring him to another was necessary because of his experience, ability, because he was going to serve a useful service also for the population.

He denied that the investigation cases are not advancing and asked the journalists to approach the prosecutor’s offices, the MP’s computer system.

More than 2 million cases

Porras also told the journalists that, in front of the deans of the universities, of the Nomination Commission, he was going to mention that they have almost known and taken out approximately two million cases.



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