Elections in the Faculty of Medicine

By Resolution No. 504/22, it was arranged to convene the professors, adjunct professors and teaching assistants, who together make up the Teaching Senate and the Graduate Senate and the Non-Teaching Sector, for partial renewal and/or incorporation of counselors to integrate the Honorable Board of Directors, provided by the current Statute of the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

The election act will take place from 09:00 to 18:00 at the headquarters of Calle Mariano Moreno 1240 – Corrientes.

Vote Receiving Tables
-Sub Cloister of Full Professors: Room of the Reform
-Sub Cloister of Associate Professors: Nursery Room
-Sub Cloister of Teaching Assistants: Room D

The Resolution also contemplates in its article 5, to convene the Graduate Faculty of the Faculty, for the incorporation of one (1) Regular Counselor and one (1) Alternate Counselor, who will integrate the H. Board of Directors of this Faculty of Medicine, whose term of office will be two (2) years, in accordance with the provisions of the UNNE Statute, for April 7, 2022, from 09:00 to 19:00, at the Secretary of Post Degree of this House, located in Mariano Moreno 1210.

For more information, you can access the official website of the Faculty of Medicine (www.med.unne.edu.ar).



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