Does President Lasso care what happens in the National Assembly?

The National Assembly, one of the functions of the State, is going through a moment of instability due to not having a clear majority and the constant need to evaluate the actions of the CAL and its President Guadalupe Llori.

Furthermore, following the refusal of the Legislative to the Investment Law, President Guillermo Lasso had no hesitation in attacking corrupt officials and discarding the support of this power for future decisions.

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This past Tuesday, April 5, the president referred to the current tensions in Parliament. “What happens in the Assembly is their problem”, crossed out

Similarly, regarding Llori’s continuity, Lasso pointed out that he is not the one who should decide on his future. “There the National Assembly, I am not the one to say if she should continue in her position!

“What happens today in that hemicycle is their problem, beyond that they solve it; I do not even want to give an opinion, that they resolve what should happen in the Assembly”, he exclaimed.

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For Lasso, it is evident that the Assembly wants to block the Government. The five reasons that allow you to substantiate this is the lack of treatment to the Communication Law, Higher Education Law, Security Law, Investment Law and the Economic Urgency project.

Regarding the Labor Law, the president will avoid sending this document to the plenary session. “I cannot sit idly by. I have to find a way, through executive decrees or regulations to laws, to find paths, even curvilinear ones, to be able to achieve the same objective of attracting investment and generating employment.”



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