A participant of Los 8 Escalones went with the tie of Ángel Labruna, idol of River

© Capture The Thirteen

A program participant The 8 Stepswho drives Guido the Duck and is issued by The thirteenshowed his fanaticism for River Plate wearing a historical tie very identified with the club.

It’s regarding the mythical tie used by Ángel Labrunaone of the greatest millionaire idols and the one who scored the most goals with that shirt.

The participant in question was Lucas Rodríguez, 24, who works as a recruiter in a software company with 50 employees. He plays soccer as an amateur striker and described himself as “selfish” in that sport.

As told in The 8 Steps, The million pesos that the winner takes in each program, in case of winning it, was going to be used to buy his first car.

At one point, he was asked from 1 to 10 how nervous he was, and he said 9. Immediately Guido Kaczka asked him if he was from River, noticing his tie, and there he replied that he was very River, “there yes 10”. At that moment, the driver began to name them historical players of the Millionaire: Marcelo Gallardo, “maximum idol”, answered the participant; Ariel Ortega, “also”; Beto Alonso, “I didn’t see him but he is emblematic”; Daniel Passarella, “discussed”.

The fortune that D’Onofrio paid for the tie Gallardo wore in tribute to Labruna

The history of the Labruna tie and the day Gallardo wore it

The mythical tie of Ángel Labruna, the millionaire top scorer, became historic following the title won by the DT in the Metropolitan of 1975, when River managed to break a negative streak of 18 years without being able to become champion. After the title, Labruna took this tie as a cabal.

the same tie was also used by Marcelo Gallardo in one of the last superclásicos once morest Boca when the Millionaire won 2-1 at the Monumental with two goals from Julián Álvarez.

How Lucas did on the 8 steps

The young man reached the sixth step, the one prior to the final where the two remaining participants answer questions from the jury that included Carmen Barbieri (Shows), Walter Nelson (Sports), Nicole Neumann (Fashion and Environment), Ingrid Grudke (International Showbiz) and Darío Sztajnszrajber (Philosophy).




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