Why doesn’t Taiwan upgrade?Famous doctor exposes 1 location to give answers

Life Center/Reported by Xu Yuanxin

The local epidemic is heating up, with 216 new local cases on the 5th. (Schematic diagram / data photo)

The local epidemic is heating up. The command center announced yesterday (5) that there were 281 new confirmed cases in China, including 216 local cases and 65 imported cases. The epidemic broke out in many counties and cities, and there were voices in China, “Why doesn’t Taiwan escalate, why doesn’t the city close down?” In this regard, Chen Zhijin, a famous critically ill doctor, took Shanghai as an example, saying that Shanghai, which has a population similar to Taiwan’s, continued to have cases following the city was closed. On April 4, the number of confirmed cases increased by 13,354 in a single day.

Famous critically ill doctor Chen Zhijin said on his Facebook fan page that some people have been shouting that “Taiwan’s epidemic is severe”, why not escalate? Why not lock down the city? At present, most Taiwanese can still live a “closer to normal life”, including traveling and listening to concerts, in addition to actively fighting the epidemic.

Chen Zhijin mentioned that let’s take a look at Shanghai, which has a population similar to Taiwan’s on the other side. It has fought the epidemic with very strong measures. Since March 28, the city has been closed, and a “zero” policy has been adopted. Medical personnel were dispatched, and even the People’s Liberation Army came to support. Even if the lockdown is strictly enforced, the number of confirmed cases in Shanghai increased by 13,354 in a single day on April 4. It was originally expected to be lifted on April 4, but it has now been postponed.

Chen Zhijin pointed out, “In addition to different epidemic prevention policies and different types of vaccines, are there any other differences between the two places?” At the end of the article, Chen Zhijin believed that the future development of the epidemic in the two places is worthy of our continued observation.

x Sanli News Network reminds you:

To prevent new coronary pneumonia, you should wear a mask when going out, wash your hands frequently, and implement a physical contact system when entering and leaving public places. If you have suspected symptoms, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible, and take tests following evaluation.

※ Toll-free epidemic prevention line: 1922, 0800-001922

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