The second-year high school boy suddenly “ghost shaving” changed the way of shampooing + drug treatment for 1 week, and the hair grew back-beauty anti-aging-Free Health Network

The sophomore boy in high school suffered severe hair loss and had a ghost shave. The doctor found that the patient had a red rash on the scalp and itchy scalp. It was determined that it was dermatitis caused by allergies. It was recommended to change the way of shampooing and use a mild shampoo. After treatment with drugs, the hair grew slowly. (Provided by Hsinchu Affiliated Doctor of TCM)

[Reporter Liao Xueru / Hsinchu Report]A healthy sophomore boy has suffered severe hair loss in the past month, and his head has been shaved. His parents suspected that it was related to the BNT vaccine two weeks ago, but he went to the doctor to draw blood to test for systemic autoimmune-related factors. The results were normal; the doctor found that the patient had a rash and itchy scalp, which was determined to be dermatitis caused by allergies. It was recommended to change the way of shampooing and use mild shampoo. After a week of steroid ointment and oral antihistamines, it slowly grew. Hair, high school sophomore also regained a confident smile.

Yang Jingan, a pediatric allergy and immune rheumatologist at the Hsinchu Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, pointed out that alopecia areata is related to genes and the environment. The parents of the second-year high school students have no history of baldness or other autoimmune rheumatic diseases. After blood testing, systemic autoimmunity was detected. The related factors also fell within the normal range, but the patient had itchy rashes on the scalp, and rashes mixed with acne on the face and back. Preliminary research may also be related to allergies and personal constitution. Inflammation, causing redness and itching of the skin, and even hair loss, is different from the general symptoms of alopecia areata.

Therefore, it is recommended to use a mild shampoo, such as a special shampoo for infant atopic dermatitis or seborrheic dermatitis, to clean the scalp first to help maintain the balance of scalp physiology and symbiotic flora, and then supplement with steroid ointment to fight inflammation . In terms of daily diet, dermatitis patients should eat less spicy, fried and other irritating foods, and should avoid drinking and smoking.

Yang Jingan pointed out that when teenagers have ghost haircuts, they may be under the pressure of peers, which may affect their self-confidence and future physical and mental development. It is recommended that if abnormal hair loss occurs, they must seek medical treatment as soon as possible to find out the cause for a cure.

Yang Jingan, a pediatric allergy, immune and rheumatologist, said that when teenagers experience ghost shaving, they may be under pressure from peers, which may affect their self-confidence and future physical and mental development. It is recommended to seek medical treatment as soon as possible to find out the root cause. (Photo by reporter Liao Xueru)

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