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Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of former US President Donald Trump, who served as one of his top advisers, will testify on Tuesday before the House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol, according to the newspaper.The New York Times“About a person familiar with the matter.

On January 6, 2021, numbers of Trump supporters attacked the headquarters of Congress in an attempt to disrupt the process of confirming Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential elections that took place in November 2020.

Ivanka Trump was at the White House on the day of the attack on Congress, and sources say she pleaded with her father to denounce and contain the violence, which eventually led to the deaths of at least five people, wounding more than 150 police officers, and removing lawmakers who were inside the House.

Ivanka’s testimony comes days after her husband, Jared Kushner, who was one of Trump’s closest advisers, testified last Thursday before the House of Representatives Commission of Inquiry tasked with investigating the events.

Kushner provided what one panel member described as “valuable and useful” information.

Ivanka and Kushner are among the senior White House officials called to testify before the panel, which chose to hold these meetings in secret.

According to the New York Times, Ivanka Trump’s lawyers have held talks with the committee since the latter, last January, sent a letter to the former president’s daughter asking for voluntary testimony.

In the letter dated January 20, the committee said it had heard testimony from Keith Kellogg, National Security Adviser to Vice President Mike Pence, in which he revealed the former president’s refusal to condemn violence after supporters stormed the Capitol, even though White House officials, including Ivanka, urge him to do so.

Kellogg also recounted that he was present, next to Ivanka, during a phone call that Trump made in the Oval Office on the morning of January 6, during which the president tried to pressure Vice President Pence, to agree to a plan to not certify the election results during the congressional session.

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The commission interviewed more than 800 witnesses, and plans to interview dozens more. The chair of the inquiry, Democratic Rep. Benny Thompson, told reporters Monday that he authorized five additional subpoenas that day.

Thompson said the subpoena for Mike Pence had been dismissed, but indicated that the committee was likely to call Mr. Trump as a witness.

Last Tuesday, the Biden administration said it was refusing to guarantee Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump “executive powers” that would allow some communications between the president and his advisers to be kept secret.

The commission is about to release the findings of the investigation and plans to hold public hearings in the spring.

The Washington Post reported that the Justice Department, which is also investigating the attack, “has expanded (its investigations) to include preparations for the election rally” that Trump held before the violence, including everyone who “helped to plan, finance and organize it.”

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