Gold prices today rise by 8 pounds, and 21 karat records 978 pounds per gram

Today, Tuesday, gold prices in Egypt witnessed an increase of regarding 8 pounds, with an increase in the price of gold on the global stock exchange to the levels of 1930 dollars, with the continuation of escalation and tension in Ukraine and the lack of signs of calm there, and the imposition of new European and American sanctions on Russia.

Gold price in Egypt today:

Carat 18 records 838 pounds.

21 karat records 978 pounds.

24 karat records 1118 pounds.

The gold pound is 7824 pounds.

An ounce of gold 1930 dollars.

Determine the price of gold in Egypt

Wasfi Amin, head of the General Division of Gold Jewelery in the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce “previously”, said that every merchant has a screen in the place where he sells is connected to the Internet and knows the change in the global price in an instant, and prices are determined according to global changes, indicating that small traders in the provinces communicate On a daily basis with manufacturers to find out any change in prices these days as a result of the turbulence in the price of the dollar, according to a previous interview.

Wasfi Amin added to “The Seventh Day”, that the number of gold shops in the Egyptian country is only 30,000, and the Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Chambers do not have the authority or the ability to determine the price, indicating that the determination is according to the global variable, as most traders in all governorates are contacted. The price is then determined every day, taking into account other factors such as supply and demand, the dollar and the volume of supply in the markets.

The former head of the General Division of Gold Jewelery in the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce explained that there are some differences between the price in some governorates, but following the merchants communicated with the start of gold sales with the major traders in the major centers in the governorates, these differences are dissolved, which never reaches 5 pounds. For every gram, we find the market is regulated at a flat price as the clock reaches 2 pm.



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