A leak confirmed that the manga written by Kenji Inoue and illustrated by Kimitake Yoshioka, Grand Bluehas gone on indefinite hiatus due to a decline in the writer’s health Kenji Inoue. The editorial Kodansha will reveal the resumption date when possible and, in fact, Inoue had already anticipated that the reason for the pause was an operation:
«I’m not sure what’s wrong with my back and I’m going to have to have a major operation. Therefore, there will be one more suspension. If you were waiting for the next chapters, I’m so sorry!», he wrote on March 27 on his official Twitter account. This would be his last update on social networks up to the date of writing this article.
Inoue and Yoshioka began publishing the manga in the magazine Good! Afternoon from the publisher Kodansha in April 2014. The manga has gone through several hiatus due to the writer’s health, and the publisher published the sixteenth compiled book volume in November 2020 in Japan. The play inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation produced by studios. Zero-Gunder the direction and scripts written by Shinji Takamatsureleased in July 2018. So far there are no signs of a second season.
Synopsis of Grand Blue
Iori Kitahara is just starting his first year at university. She moves into her uncle’s dive shop, Grand Blue. He anticipates the college life of her dreams, filled with beautiful girls and good friends. But things don’t exactly go according to plan. He runs into a group of students, who immediately force him to participate in his drinking activities. Although he was unwilling at first, Iori quickly gives in and becomes the life of the party. Unfortunately, this earns him the scorn of his cousin, Chisa Kotegawa. However, Iori still vows to fulfill her ideal college life, but will things go according to plan this time?
Source: Official Twitter Account
© Kenji Inoue (Original), Kimitake Yoshioka (Author) / KODANSHA Kodansha