Lavrov calls alleged massacre in Bucha, Ukraine provocative | News

The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, described this Monday as an attack with false news that is spread through digital networks by the West and Ukraine the situation in Bucha, northwest of kyiv (capital), following authorities Ukrainians blame Moscow for an alleged massacre of civilians in that city.


Russia claims no harm to civilians in Bucha, Ukraine

He stated that it is a setup to denigrate the Russian troops participating in the special operation launched by Moscow to protect the population of Donbas and demilitarize and denazify Ukraine.

He stressed that this type of staging poses a direct threat to international security, for which Russia requested an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council, which was denied by the United Kingdom, which holds its rotating Presidency.

Lavrov recalled that Russian troops left Bucha on March 30, following which its mayor, Anatoli Fedoruk, and then the Ukrainian police declared to the press that everything was fine.

He drew attention to the fact that the images of an alleged massacre of civilians were made public not immediately but as of April 3, coinciding with the arrival in the city of the Ukrainian Security Service and local television.

Despite these elements, the West and the hegemonic media have widely disseminated this “information” without giving credence to the Russian version.

In turn, the Russian Ministry of Defense described the images broadcast regarding Bucha as a provocation and assured that during the stay of the Russian military in the city “no local civilian suffered any aggression.”

In a statement, the portfolio recalled that the Russian troops withdrew to the north and did not block the entrances and exits of the city in that direction.

He pointed out that, however, the Ukrainian armed forces bombarded suburbs in the south of the city (where there are residential neighborhoods) for 24 hours, with heavy-caliber artillery, tanks and multiple launch rocket systems.

On this fact, the Russian ambassador to the US, Anatoli Antonov, told the media that it might have caused deaths among civilians, for which Ukraine tries to cover up its own atrocities.

For his part, the head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexandr Bastrikin, assessed that the images and videos are disseminated to “distort the image of the Russian military.” In addition, he ordered to study those audiovisuals to try to find those responsible.

Users on social networks pointed out that the images of the alleged massacre present numerous contradictions, such as the fact that there is no blood near the bodies, that some moved while being filmed and that others wore white armbands like those used by Donbas militiamen. .



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