Salvadoran gang members have threatened three Guatemalan families to rent their houses in the border area (and this has been the response of the Guatemalan authorities) – Prensa Libre

The Government of Guatemala, through the Ministers of the Interior, David Napoleón Barrientos, and the Defense Minister, Henry Yovani Reyes Chigua, reported on the actions they are taking to prevent the entry of gang members from El Salvador, following that country decreed a of exception to fight the maras.

Among the points that the authorities touched on, it was mentioned that at least three Guatemalan families living in the border area with El Salvador have been threatened by gang members who demand that they rent their houses in the area, but so far the presence of police and the Army have prevented it.

At the press conference, the Secretary of Social Communication of the Presidency, Kevin López Oliva, stated that preventive coordination measures by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense of Guatemala developed the Comprehensive Tactical Operational Plan for Border Security that will be It is coordinated between the National Civil Police and the Army in the border area between Guatemala and El Salvador.

Minister Barrientos said that the plan was drawn up to protect the borders with El Salvador given the exceptional regime that has been imposed in this country.

He pointed out that the Government has implemented checkpoints and has reinforced border security and is making a presence on all formal routes and existing blind steps between both countries.

He added that together with the first deputy minister -Carlos Enrique Franco Urzúa- they made a visit to the place to verify the presence and effectiveness of the operations carried out in coordination with the Ministry of National Defense.

He affirmed that the plan was conceived to be developed initially for a month, starting on March 28, and that is why it will conclude on April 28 next.

Also read: “Jail or death”: Bukele warns Salvadoran adolescents and youth of consequences with gangs

Threats on the border

Minister Barrientos said that this plan has already given some results and that during the patrols of the authorities they learned that three Guatemalan families, who live in the border area with El Salvador, were threatened by gang members from that country, so that they would rent, necessarily, their properties or else they were going to remove them from the buildings.

He pointed out that they have a presence and routes along a series of highways and routes in the border area and are visiting the communities that live in that area and that is why they learned of the threats that the compatriots are receiving. In addition, the number of police officers was increased to a total of 500 in the area.

Barrientos pointed out that police and military personnel remained in the area, making a presence and “giving the Guatemalan population certainty that they will protect you by their authorities. That presence has been, as I repeat, quite large and massive, and has generated an atmosphere of tranquility and security in the region,” said Minister Barrientos.

Also read: Beans and tortillas: the videos and images with which Bukele shows how they make gang members “respect each life”

When asked regarding the results they have had so far in the border security plan, Barrientos said that there has been a capture of a person fully identified as a member of a gang, who responded to the name of Erick Florentino Castro Vázquez, of 41, which was placed at the disposal of the Salvadoran authorities.

In addition, 12 people who entered the country irregularly this week have been handed over to the General Directorate of Migration, as part of the migration processes that are taking place.

He pointed out that the arrest and surrender of this alleged gang member in Guatemalan territory has meant that the Salvadoran gang members themselves know that there is a cordon of the Guatemalan authority and they will not allow them to pass.

Security for Salvadoran tourists

This plan to strengthen security in the border area, in addition to preventing the entry of gang members, also includes providing security to tourists from that country who will arrive in Guatemala for Holy Week.

“The police and military presence in the area has been of such magnitude that we believe that so far the security operation and checkpoints and borders have been a success. The visits are permanent, the supervision constant and we will be adapting our plan as the situation changes. Until now we are very calm that Salvadoran visitors to Guatemala in the coming weeks will do so in a calm and secure situation,” said Barrientos.

He pointed out that they have installed 20 checkpoints with emphasis on the border between El Salvador and Honduras to allow that flow of tourism that is expected for next week and be totally safe and also to prevent gangs from fleeing El Salvador and take refuge in this country.

Read also: El Salvador: congress reforms the Penal Code and quintuples the penalty for belonging to gangs or collaborating with them

The Minister of Defense stated that he maintains control of the borders at the national level and that in support of the Ministry of the Interior they have increased the military presence on the borders of both Honduras and El Salvador.

He said that in the border area with that country is where it has been reinforced the most, due to the exceptional regime that has been installed in it.

He affirmed that the Third Infantry Brigade, which is located in the Jutiapa area, has increased the troops directly on the Valle Nuevo and San Cristóbal borders by 200 troops, and also reinforced patrols in the border area with Honduras and El Salvador to avoid the entrance of the gangs through a large number of blind passages in the area.

He stated that together with the National Civil Police they have a presence throughout the day and at night at the legal border posts.

Also read: The video with which Bukele sends a strong message to gangs and points out that human rights defend them

For Holy Week, the plan has already been prepared by the National Civil Police in which approximately 25,000 agents of the institution will be involved throughout the national territory and on all routes in places where there are camps of the National System of Prevention at Easter (Sinaprese).



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