Discovery of a plaque for the 100 years of insulin at the Faculty of Medicine

The president of the Argentine Society of Diabetes Dr. Silvia Gorban de Lapertosa and the dean Professor Gerardo Omar Larroza, unveiled a plaque for the 100 years of insulin and in honor of the Faculty of Medicine, a higher education institution, which always opened its doors to the Argentine Society of Diabetes (SAD) carrying out joint work with the purpose of improving the quality of life and health of diabetic patients.

The emotional act was held on April 1 in the gallery of the Faculty, an opportunity in which Professor Larroza expressed his gratitude to the SAD and in particular to its president, Dr. Silvia Lapertosa, who is also a teacher at the House of Studies.

It should be noted that, in recent years of management, the Faculty of Medicine has drawn up strategic alliances with different institutions, including scientific societies.

Therefore, Professor Larroza succinctly described the path traveled, pointing out that, through these proposals, all lines of action that have to do fundamentally with public health are promoted and that knowledge must reach everywhere and under all the tracks.

The most important point is that professionals can acquire useful knowledge, transforming their practices and, in turn, health indicators.

“We feel honored as people from Corrientes and as the National University of the Northeast to be able to extend our offers to the entire country, to all of Latin America and as far as we can go,” he said.
The dean described it as an enormous challenge, where all the efforts of all disciplines and all interdisciplines must be combined, recognized and thanked the body of pedagogical advisors who are working very intensely, the technological support and the Clinical Simulation Office that is at the height of a national and international level.

For her part, the president of the SAD, underlined the value of the University and also thanked the dean for the permanent predisposition in this future vision in health issues for the benefit of the population.
“For us it is an honor to put this plaque here in the Faculty, for the 100 years of the discovery of insulin and fundamentally because with the Faculty of Medicine of the UNNE, with the management of Dr. Omar Larroza, it was that the Argentine Society of Diabetes began this path of transformation in the training of professionals, either with courses, then diplomas and now we are regarding to open a master’s degree in diabetes, so for us this path traveled deserves to be reflected on the walls of the Faculty of Medicine”, stressed Dr. Lapertosa.

The discovery of insulin was a fundamental milestone for the treatment of diabetes. In our country, the first application was carried out by Dr. Bernardo Houssay at the Hospital de Clínicas and currently more than 500,000 people depend on this treatment.

Members of the SAD board of directors and directors of diploma courses and postgraduate courses and professional updating of the Argentine Society of Diabetes and the National University of the Northeast also participated.

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