First half of April 2022 What is “the fate is likely to move significantly”? “Fortune of the first half of April” is released by constellation! – Sentence, 56 Conspiracy Star Mocchii | ananweb – Magazine House

[Fortune-telling in the first half of April 2022]

First, check the fortunes of the first half of April 2022 by 12 constellations!

In the second half of the article, we will introduce “Love & Work Luck in the First Half of April” by 12 constellations, so please click on your constellation.

Aries 3 / 21-4 / 19

At this time of year, it seems that the mood tends to be uneven. Be aware of adjusting your daily rhythm.

Taurus 4 / 20-5 / 20

It is a time when the desire to “know various things” is likely to grow stronger. Make sure you have time to study, such as by reading a book.

Gemini 5 / 21-6 / 21

It’s time for relationships to go well. You will be able to enjoy your time with your own charm.

Cancer 6 / 22-7 / 22

It’s a time when you’re not emotional and you’re likely to be required to deal with adults. It is important to stay calm and not forget to be considerate of others.

Leo 7 / 23-8 / 22

It’s time to think regarding various things and deepen your thoughts. You will be able to evolve into a more intelligent you than ever before.

Virgo 8 / 23-9 / 22

It’s a time when you’re too absorbed in one thing. Try to capture things from a broad perspective.

Libra 9 / 23-10 / 23

It seems that there are many opportunities to direct yourself seriously. But don’t forget to have some time to relax.

Scorpio 10 / 24-11 / 22

It’s going to be busy at this time of year when work luck improves. If you focus on social activities, your luck will improve further.

Sagittarius 11 / 23-12 / 21

Things are going well, and the problems that we have been struggling with are likely to be resolved. Be cautious until you get results.

Capricorn 12/22 ~ 1/19

There are likely to be opportunities to interact with celebrities and people with social status. It may be a valuable experience.

Aquarius 1/20 ~ 2/18

There seems to be an opportunity to feel happiness that makes you humming. Make time to immerse yourself in what you love.

Pisces 2 / 19-3 / 20

Don’t be afraid to leave yourself to the changing world. If you are not afraid of change, you will be able to grow significantly.

When I was able to check the fortunes in the first half of April,
Next, let’s check “love luck & work luck”!

What regarding “love luck and work luck in the first half of April”? Click on the constellation!

Fifty-six plot stars Mocchii
A professional fortune-teller who has lived in fortune-telling since he was a teenager.
Operates an online salon for fortune-tellers and those who want to become fortune-tellers.
Book “Let’s get started for 100,000 yen a month for 2 hours a day” (Dobunkan Publishing)
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