Miro spoke unflatteringly about Medvedeva’s photo shoot

The scandalous blogger appreciated the pictures of the skater for a glossy magazine.

Evgeny Medvedev. Photo: Global Look Press

The other day Evgenia Medvedeva pleased the male part of her fans with fresh pictures. not ordinary, but from a special photo shoot for a glossy magazine. On the footage, the skater posed in swimsuits and without them.

The photo shoot was appreciated by many media people. She praised the figure skater for her courage and Tatyana Tarasova. But blogger Lena Miro criticized Evgenia.

“Zhenya in an erotic photo shoot does not look erotic, but hunted. Medvedeva should not have been in MAXIM, because she is stupidly ugly. Whatever you do with Medvedeva, her data is not the same. Not for erotic fantasies. There are such women by nature: ugly and non-sexual. Here is Medvedev from such. Wife, it seems, is only 20 years old, and she is already sitting on her like a glove suit of a grandmother from the district committee», — Miro spoke bitterly on her page in LiveJournal.

Let’s addearlier Evgenia Medvedeva spoke regarding her personal life, noting that she had been in a relationship since she was 17 years old.

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