The CCIS reassures on the supply of markets

Organized under the theme “Together for a balanced and stable market”, this meeting was devoted to strengthening the mechanisms for coordinating and monitoring the situation of market supply on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan.

In this respect, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Casablanca-Settat, Hassane Berkani, underlined that the objective of this meeting is to reassure traders, the media and consumers of the availability of all the products and to inform them of the efforts made by all the players to guarantee the supply of the markets. He took this opportunity to call on consumers to change their way of consumption in order to avoid the waste of food products and to block the way to speculation caused by unscrupulous intermediaries who profit from such events.

Berkani also noted that the Chamber had meetings with all the stakeholders, in particular the Wali and the governors of the region, as well as the external services of all the departments concerned to set up a monitoring and control commission.

According to him, the mission of this commission will be to control, on the one hand, the prices of products heavily consumed by households during the holy month, and, on the other hand, to ensure the quality of these products through unannounced visits to warehouses.

For their part, the professionals involved affirmed that they are hard at work and ready to supply the markets in abundance during the month of Ramadan on a permanent and regular basis, particularly with regard to local national products.

With regard to prices, the significant increase in the prices of certain basic products in recent months is explained by fluctuations in world markets, they said, noting that in parallel, the prices of other basic products remained generally at their usual levels, with some variations relating to supply and demand, but without registering any increase for regulated products. And to recall that in the current climatic conditions, all precautions have been taken by the government to supply the markets and ensure that prices are suitable, while working to combat all forms of speculation, as well as to protection of citizens’ purchasing power and consumer health and safety.



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