“The crying scenario is no longer in fashion”; Coco Emilia severely tackled for crying in full live (photos)

The influencer Coco Emilia is currently the laughingstock of Internet users on the web.

Invited on the show Life Weekend, she confided in her marriage which went up in smoke. The emotion was there when Coco Emilia answered questions.

She ends up shedding tears trying to answer some sensitive questions. A scene that moved netizens who had previously tackled it.

If some have decided to be tolerant of Coco Emilia from now on, others have decided to rub salt in the wound. Because according to them, she shed crocodile tears.

This is the case of the entrepreneur Hayek Hassan, who made a Facebook status in which he launched a spade at Coco Emilia.

”Ivory Coast is the most beautiful emotional country in the world! Leave a country to come and cry in Côte d’Ivoire! Eza emotion,” he posted.

A publication that made Coco Emilia react in the comments. She fired back, poking fun at the entrepreneur’s bad buzz.

“When your buzz doesn’t take, it hurts. Try once more tomorrow, maybe you will have more success. Oops, I forgot, my comment will only bring you back a little audience. I am the queen of the web, I break the internet when I want”, she commented.

Hayek Hassan also counter-attacked in these terms: “Take your points on my page! You need our love here in Ivory Coast. You need it right now.

The crying scenario is no longer in fashion, but we applauded sentimentally.



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