Anticovid vaccination improved for the first time in two months: Ministry of Health

In the last Unified Command Post (PMU) the Ministry of Health it was known that the number of anticovid doses applied in the National Vaccination Plan (PNV) fell to levels similar to those of April 2021.

The figures had been falling since last February. Although at the beginning of the year, the country had reported days of more than 290,000 anticovid doses applied, in recent weeks there were reports of less than 80,000 daily doses applied. In fact, two weeks ago, 676,670 doses were reported in seven days, a record that had not been reported since week 10 of the PNV, when 652,194 doses were applied.

“In the last week we reversed that slide that we were bringing,” assured, however, Gerson Bermont, the director of Promotion and Prevention of the Ministry of Health. The official referred to week 57, when 789,650 applied doses were reported, almost 113,000 more than in the previous week.

But the low figures that have been reported in recent weeks did not only correspond to the fact that the vaccinators were not applying enough anticovid dosebut also because there is a lag in the records of the Territorial Entities.

“We have shown that there is a significant number of applied vaccines that have probably not been reported. This exercise is going a little slowly, few departments have started it and we hope that it will advance as quickly as possible to have the most adjusted number of vaccines, “said the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz.

In fact, he indicated that last week there were regarding 120,000 vaccines applied in Antioquia, that had not been reported. “They did the exercise and it was possible to have a much more exact number of applied vaccines. We hope that the Valley ends the exercise today”, said the head of the Health portfolio. And he concluded by pointing out that he expects the EPS, the IPS and the Territorial Entities to catch up with the payment of the vaccines between now and April 30.



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