PP Congress, live

The XX Congress of the PP, which will elect Alberto Núñez Feijóo as the new leader of the party, celebrates this Saturday its second and last day. The more than 500 delegates gathered in Seville await with great anticipation to fully meet the new management team of the formation. You know it will be led by Cuca Gamarrra, as general secretary, and that Elías Bendodo, strong man of the Chairman of the Board of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, will be general coordinator.

The still president of the popular, Pablo Casado, announced this Friday that he was leaving your seat, not without first claiming that leaves the party at the gates of Moncloa. In an atmosphere of apparent harmony, the one who will be his successor wanted to thank him for “holding the PP flag” in the “stretches of the road” of “enormous difficulty”, a flag that he delivers with “an enormous effort of generosity”.

This saturday, Feijóo will take the floor again to close the Congress. But first, it will be the turn of the parliamentary spokespersons (Cuca Gamarra, Javier Maroto and Dolors Montserrat), in addition to the president of the European PP, Manfred Weber, and the president of the Andalusian Government and host of the meeting, Juanma Moreno.

10:18 — The Popular Party of the Region of Murcia doubles its presence in the National Executive Committee and in the National Board of Directors of the National Popular Party with the incorporation of four regional leaders. Feijóo has proposed as members to the National Executive Committee of the PP the mayor of Alcantarilla, Joaquín Buendía, current president of the PPRM Committee of Mayors, and the mayor of San Pedro del Pinatar, Visitación Martínez, current president of the electoral committee of the PPRM. In addition, the National Board of Directors will be joined by the Deputy Secretary General for Territorial Affairs of the PPRM and spokesperson for the PP in the Murcia City Council, Rebeca Pérez, and the mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, José Francisco García.

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Paul Pombo

Alberto Núñez Feijóo takes command of a party that is central to Spanish democracy, but is in clear decline

10:15 — The main swords of the party are already arriving at the Congress, which seems to be starting with some delay. The intervention of Dolors Montserrat, spokesperson for the party in the European Parliament, was scheduled to begin at 10:00 am. then they will talk Javier Maroto and Cuca Gamarraspokespersons for the Senate and Congress, respectively.

09:45 — Good Morning! To warm up before the round of speeches begins, you can read the chronicle in which our editor Pilar Gómez plasma how do you breathe right now in Partido Popular and explains what are the unknowns that still remain to be resolved this Saturday.

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Pillar Gomez. Seville

The alarms went off when the appointment of Elías Bendodo as general coordinator was announced. Gamarra transferred his surprise to several teammates: “Everything is yet to be agreed”. The PP hopes that on Sunday the territorial power will be balanced

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