A health disaster that ends your life .. 3 signs if you notice them on chicken, do not eat it and get rid of them immediately before it is too late

Chicken is a meat that is full of protein that the body needs from time to time, as it provides the body with the required energy and contributes to building a healthy body and strong muscles, especially chicken from the meat that many prefer more than red meat because it is light in taste and does not contain a high percentage of fat, especially the elderly. Doctors advise them to eat chicken instead of red meat in order to preserve their health and to ensure ease of digestion, but some prefer to buy frozen chicken, and sometimes when buying it we find some signs in the chicken’s body without knowing the seriousness of these signs in its body and the need to get rid of it before cooking it, so we will explain these signs to you and its dangers to the body.

Signs if you find them on frozen chicken do not eat it

Many housewives cook chicken without looking at the bodies of the chicken before cooking, and sometimes they find signs in their bodies without knowing the danger of these signs and the need not to eat any chicken that we find signs or unnatural color, as well as texture, it is necessary to examine the chicken well from the inside and outside before Cook it, as the health of the chicken is confirmed for the following tests.

1. Chicken color and appearance

The skin of the chicken must be examined before cooking, as the natural color of any chicken is white, fat, or light yellow, but when there is a blue or blackish color or bruises in the skin, you must stop cooking this chicken, as it may be sick and expose you to serious diseases.

As it is normal when placing chicken in the freezer, its color changes slightly as a result of oxidation processes with the atmosphere, but when the color changes to green or a strange color, then the chicken cells become damaged and must be avoided.

2. Smell the chicken

Chicken has a smell, but it is a natural smell that can be smelled, but when you smell an unpleasant, unusual or acidic smell in chicken, it is unhealthy and cannot be cooked.

3. Chicken texture

It is normal for the chicken to feel shiny and a little soft, but when you touch the chicken and the skin is thick, matte and sticky, it should not be cooked.



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