++ Ukraine war: “Relenting attacks” with cluster munitions

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Of: Tobias Utz, Lukas Zigo, Katja Thorwarth, Daniel Dillman, Nail Akkoyun

The military and humanitarian situation in the Ukraine war continues to deteriorate – the news ticker on Friday.

  • Im Ukraine war* the data on the number of losses go on pages of Russia* greatly apart.
  • According to the Ukraine* Supposed to be the army of Russia’s President Wladimir Putin* im Ukraine conflict* Have already lost more than 17,000 soldiers.
  • Moscow* caused his troops to withdraw from Chernobyl. Kyiv* talks regarding the attackers taking hostages.

>>> Update news ticker

+++ 2 p.m.: According to a report by Amnesty International, Russia is also using banned cluster munitions in the war in Ukraine. The human rights organization accused the Russian troops of “relentless, indiscriminate attacks” on civilians in Berlin on Friday. The authenticity of “physical evidence” of the use of such munitions has been confirmed by Amnesty investigators in Ukraine.

A destroyed Russian army tank near Kyiv photographed on March 30. © Ronaldo Schmemidt/AFP

Cluster munitions are rockets or bombs that burst while still in the air over the target, releasing a large number of small explosive devices. These mini-bombs – regarding the size of a soda can or aerosol can – then fall to the ground within a radius of several dozen meters. Amnesty expert Janine Uhlmannsiek said: “The list of war crimes committed by the Russian military is getting longer every day.” So far, 110 countries have ratified a convention once morest cluster munitions. This also includes Germany. Russia and Ukraine, on the other hand, are not included. The 2008 convention prohibits manufacture and use.

+++ 1 p.m.: According to the Russian army, it has destroyed five large ammunition and fuel depots in Ukraine. However, a total of 52 “military objects” were destroyed within 24 hours, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense.

+++ 12.00 p.m.: In addition to the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Kyiv region, the Ukrainian army continues to counterattack there. British Intelligence’s morning situation report said Ukraine was launching “successful but limited” counterattacks east and north-east of the capital. This is what the news portal Kyiv Independent refers to.

Ukraine war
Ukrainian soldiers in front of a burned-out tank near the capital Kyiv. The recording is from Thursday, March 31st. © Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP

+++ 11.15 a.m.: Russia’s armed forces are likely to withdraw from the region around the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. This is reported by the responsible governor. The troops are on their way to Belarus, Olexandr Pavlyuk said in a statement on Telegram. That corresponds to NATO’s assessment on Thursday. NATO chief Stoltenberg said Russia was expected to regroup in Belarus to compensate for heavy losses.

+++ 11.00 a.m.: Apparently there are still soldiers from the Russian army at the decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear power plant. On Thursday there were increasing reports that the troops were leaving the area. In addition, it became known that numerous armed forces were probably irradiated.

+++ 10.45 a.m.: Friday morning’s explosion at the tank farm in Russia’s Belgorod near the border may have been a false flag operation. The Bild newspaper reports – and refers to information from the Ukrainian general staff. Accordingly, there is no information according to which the Ukrainian army is responsible for the alleged shelling of the camp. Instead, Ukraine’s military suspects that Russia is creating a pretext for a new level of escalation. From the Russian side, Ukraine is held responsible for the explosion (see update from 9 a.m.).

Ukraine war
The explosion in Belgorod on Friday morning. Russia accuses Ukraine of attacking the tank terminal. © Anton Vergun/Imago Images

+++ 10.15 a.m.: Ukrainian forces have probably recaptured other areas in the country. According to consistent reports, this will affect regions in the north-east and north, but also the city of Cherson in southern Ukraine.

+++ 10.00 a.m.: Apparently, Russian troops are actually withdrawing from the region around the city of Chernihiv. The regional governor said in a video message. The Kremlin announced on Tuesday (March 29, 2022) that it would withdraw armed forces from the region.

Ukraine war: 153 children died

+++ 9.30 a.m.: Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 153 children are said to have died. This is reported by the news portal Kyiv Independent – and cites information from the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office. 245 children are said to have been injured, some seriously.

+++ 09.00 a.m.: Russia has accused Ukraine of an attack on Russian territory for the first time since the invasion. According to this, the Ukrainian military is said to have fired helicopters at a fuel depot in Belgorod. This is what regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov wrote on Telegram. According to Gladkow, two employees were injured in the explosion at the tank farm. Belgorod is close to the Ukrainian border. Numerous video recordings circulated on Friday morning, which are intended to prove the explosion. Their authenticity has not yet been independently verified. Photos from several news outlets also showed the explosion.

War in Ukraine: Russia announces ceasefire in Mariupol

Update from Friday, April 1st, 2022, 8:00 a.m.: At the request of France and Germany Russia has announced a ceasefire in the embattled port city of Mariupol for Friday morning. A humanitarian escape corridor is to be created from 9 a.m. CEST for the evacuation of civilians to Zaporizhia.

According to Ukrainian information, convoys encountered several problems on Thursday (March 31, 2022). As reported by CNN, Russian troops are said to have confiscated 14 tons of relief supplies, including food and medicine, and blocked 45 buses. In order to enable the people from Mariupol to be rescued, the escape corridors are “insufficient”, France said on Thursday.

A Russian tank drives on a road near Mariupol.
A Russian tank drives on a road near Mariupol. © Maximilian Clarke/dpa

In the city of Mariupol, which has been bombed for weeks, around 100,000 civilians are said to be trapped, said Ukrainian Minister Iryna Vereshchuk. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is now preparing to allow the population to leave the country. “It is of the utmost importance that this operation is carried out. The lives of tens of thousands of people in Mariupol depend on it,” the ICRC was quoted as saying by CNN.

War in Ukraine: Russian forces evacuate Chernobyl – and take hostages with them

First report from April 1st, 2022, 3:30 a.m.: After weeks of occupation, the Russian armed forces left the Chernobyl nuclear ruins, taking hostages with them, according to Ukrainian sources. “There are no longer any outsiders in the area of ​​the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,” the Ukrainian authority responsible for the restricted area in northern Ukraine said on Facebook on Thursday evening. Later it was said that the Russians had taken away Ukrainian soldiers whom they had held hostage since the beginning of the war.

“When they ran away from the Chernobyl nuclear facility, the Russian occupiers took away members of the national guard they had held hostage since February 24,” Ukraine’s nuclear agency Energoatum said on Telegram, citing workers at the plant. It was unclear how many Ukrainian soldiers were involved.

The authority responsible for the restricted area had previously announced the withdrawal of the Russian army. The soldiers stole “equipment and other valuables” from the decommissioned nuclear facility. Ukrainian specialists would now be sent to the site to comb it for “potential explosive devices”.

(ktho/dil/lz/nak/tu mit dpa) *fr.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.



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